legendary Gwen Snyder tweet
lel, imagine trying to white knight for pispiggrandpa by sealioning a magapede researcher about copypasta from /pol/ and gaslighting her stans while she spills the tea on these eggs. smdh fam.
I'm pretty sure I can break this sentence down into three or four fragments that I understand, but put them together and I have no idea what is going on here.
I think she believes someone was sucking up to Brace and defending him online (whiteknighting) by constantly DMing her and asking supposedly innocent but trolly questions (sealioning).
From this tweet the supposed sealioning may have been: someone DMing her asking if she knew about this crypto-facist plot Brace is involved in and when she responded they sent her a link to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
cleans glasses
"Yup, I'm too old to understand any of this."
sits back in rocking chair