who hasn't seen a bear

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
    4 years ago

    I got my car locked in a public park area after nightfall on a work night and had a choice between sleeping in my car and hoping that the state parks and rec people unlocked the gate at the time they promised, which was before I had to show up to my shift, or walk home several miles in the dark forest and get a cab to work the next day.

    I tried to wait it out because the police said they'd dispatch someone to let me out, which they never did lol, I tried to unlock the gate by trying to bypass the locking mechanism with a soda can, didn't work because the state invested in special locks resistant to basic bypasses and didn't I have any prybars to simply overpower the locking mechanism. So I decided to say "fuck this, I can't risk not showing up to work because of the likely chance these state park dweebs will be late opening the grate because they're hung over as fuck. So I started walking through the dark forest park at night.

    Shits kinda creepy when it's pitch black as fuck and all you got is a dying phone's flashlight, a granola bar, a water bottle, a bayonet knife, and a backpack full of everything valuable from your car (just in case hooligans take the opportunity to pop my car for loot). But I'm used to trawling through the great outdoors with less shit on me when I was doing landnav courses on base.

    Of fucking course halfway through my nature walk, I hear some rustling in the woods and in front of me runs a shitty fucking black bear with a cub in town and I'm going "fuck me I don't want to die because of a angry dumpster-diving momma bear got surprised and decided to eat my face" so zi backed up a bit, started blasting some death metal at full blast on my phone, and went around the long way around where they ran from while making a lot of noise. When I got out of the park and back into suburbia I also came across a moose enjoying a walk through the streets and had to again start moving through peoples property so I wouldn't get my ass stomped by a possibly ornery-ass moose.

    Got home at like 6 in the morning, got short nap, and then got a phonecard from work saying I got the day off since there's not enough work today. Went back to my car, and lo and behold it took them until 4:30 pm to open the gate, we'll over 6 hours after they were supposed to open it. My lesson learned was to pay attention to the closing time of parks and to carry a "locking mechanism physical bypass" tool from now on.