• mayo_cider [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "Anthony Quinn Warner"

    ANTHOny quinn waRNER

    Ant Horner

    they want to fuck ants

  • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Oh you guys don't know the half of it, Qanon is tearing itself apart over the election and this bombing. Being out of hospital means I've had a month of Qanon-sense to catch up on and back up in the past few days.

    The "anagram comms" theory is from a new "baker" * on twitter calling themselves Hammurabi or "@i4ni2th4a2th" who posted the anagrams and other "partial comms" they had found within half an hour of the name being announced - https://i.redd.it/3pxshq8ubr761.jpg

    (* for those of you who are blissfully unaware, "bakers" is the name given to Qanon theorists who post their interpretations of the Qdrops and secret comms they've found in news stories or political speeches or whatever. They are so named because they collect Q and the deepstates "breadcrumb trail" that they leave behind and they "bake" those breadcrumbs into "a digestible loaf". No it doesn't make sense and no you can't make bread like that.)

    Meanwhile the "Trump is in the middle of a secret war" faction, the ones who believe that there was a huge gun battle in the middle of Frankfurt in order to reclaim a secret voter fraud server? Well their Nashville story is even more of a spy larp - https://i.redd.it/l93lnmxj8s761.png

    According to them, this was all to cause a supercomputer secretly run by AT&T, named the "Kraken" to overheat because it turns out that this secret supercomputer was working on voter fraud with Sidney Powell and was what Sidney actually meant when she said "release the Kraken", she definitely wasn't showing off how unstable she is by memeing to impress her /pol/ fan base. Anyway it turns out that the Nashville bombing was "the Democrat controlled FBI" moving against the "true Patriots" and making the Kraken supercomputer overheat so it has to stop counting the "true votes". At the same time the fbi is going to publicly announce that it was a red hat maga guy who was the bomber and they're gonna use that to force martial law against Trump supporters as soon as Biden gets "fraudulently" sworn in.

    However none of that is as good as the new theory from the JFK Jr set. One of their main "bakers" PoliceChief2 (who previously had a Patreon where he posted a list, that he updated weekly, of celebrities who had been either executed in secret or were awaiting execution in Guantanamo after being arrested - a list that included Virgil and Will at one point and he listed Will's occupation as "Internet communist", and then he removed both of them with his next update so I guess they escaped?) has dropped a bombshell in his top secret discord server about why the deep state is so into Joe Biden. You see it turns out that Joe Biden is actually a secret deep state hitman going back decades. In fact Joe Biden... Is actually Lee Harvey Oswald. https://i.redd.it/pr21yiasru761.jpg

    And that's what's going on this week in Q world.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Anagrams are fun because you can find weird shit in everything. For instance "anagrams are fun" is an anagram of "gamer ran faunas", "German anus afar", "manure agar fans", and "sugar manna fear".

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm really good at anagrams (I think it's because I have a math brain and I'm look for patterns? That's kinda always been my assumption) and when I was a kid I use to find really "rude" anagrams in things to make my siblings laugh. If only I had realised that actually I was finding secret deep state "comms" in the names of towns with drove past on long car journeys. I clearly missed a trick.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Well these days any idiot can do it: https://wordsmith.org/anagram/

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      o7 to you for your inhumane work of reporting about that shit

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Policechief2's list was fun. For a while, he'd add anyone's name you asked about, which is probably how Will and Virgil wound up on it.

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        He's still maintaining it, you just have to get on his discord to see it and his "news". He was trying to charge people $100 for access to the discord and claiming it was so expensive because he had to pay for heightened security (both physical and digital) because of "deep state spies" who are trying to kill him and also undermine him. Also his discord has an entire board for discussing "the masked singer". That's not related to anything but I just found it particularly insane.

        Yeah I assumed that was how they ended up there but those two are the only ones I know of where he added them and then removed them quietly - so maybe he caught on that it was likely someone doing a bit.

    • RedArmor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I wish I was this checked out of reality. These people are.. well they need re-educated..

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    4 years ago


    I actually don't have words for the combination of insane and dumb this post is. I've been making fun of morons online for years but this one actually has me speechless. There's just something so perfectly vacuous about this that nothing I could say would do it justice.

    • NotAnOp [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      For me it's very depressing knowing these people could have been comrades in a different society but have been poisoned for too long by the well of Capitalist Propaganda - Conservative Flavor. It starts young before they even know what they're saying, mimicking what they think will lead them to successful life, just as every media outlet in America says. Then when it inevitably doesn't happen, they blame Others "because they are the ones changing the Sure Thing" rather than accepting the lie they were raised hearing. Social Media has only supercharged their hatred and reinforced their positions while advancing even further towards the right. Once you fall in a misinformation well, it's very hard to come back from that.

  • Eldungeon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    They should know that the government will never, ever, ever do a political dragnet against right wingers. They have always been allowed as a controlled opposition against radicals and progressives even. If anything they will say Q is conspiracy, mental health, blahs, etc., but will never actually list the group or commit the kind of resources to disrupt and sabotage their base, because let's face it, they're doing the state's work for free, for the love of the game.

    • Eldungeon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Also as crazy as the Q's are in much of rural America this shit is a majority belief or close to it. You will not catch hell for these beliefs in the country in fact it will probably widen your social circle. One of the main reasons right wing extremist ideas are popular is that they are not taboo in the state (like nazi cops are in all PDs etc.). If they were as subversive as they think they are why do they play with kid gloves on these armed protesters/proud boys?

      • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
        4 years ago

        honestly if they had any guts they'd endorse it completely and say the target was legitimate. no one got killed and the bomber took measures to reduce casualties. calling it a false flag shows that these people really don't wanna do their woo woo day of the rope, they just want a realistic video game to entertain them while the American empire wraps up.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Same thing applies when we laugh/enanger about how obviously CIA is some random dipshit posed to become president of the US itself or some other country

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      4 years ago

      mr. Bob Iger "WE THE PEOPLE" are prepared to Rise Up and put a stop to your Tyranny that you showed in your sicko pedocrat show Mandolorian

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A few more fun anagrams:

    Wanna query North Inn?

    Ninny nun Qatar whore

    Iraq Nanny hunter won

    Nanny quoth inner war

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    This is some Bible Code shit.