Question is what is the easiest way to radicalize an apolitical person from a Republican family?

  • chiefecula [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Converting a normie is infinitely easier than changing the mind of a zealot. If a normie doesn't follow politics, then they probably never really thought about any of this stuff and don't really have any opinions they deeply care about. The normie will be quoting stuff they've heard, but if they didn't invest any time in politics they won't be married to those ideas. Chances are you can relatively easily make her agree to at least some of your points if you present them in a calm manner and pick your battles. The secret is let her speak her mind and agree to as much as you can. I'm sure she has some idiotic opinions (especially about minorities and poor people), but don't focus on fighting, focus on things you agree on, like hating shitlibs and the corrupt swamp. Find as many common things you hate, and shit all over them all the time. But stop talking if she's tired of politics. Don't push. The more she thinks of you as an ally the better. Try to lump the things she hates (shitlibs) with the things you hate (I'm assuming American political system in general). Say generic shit like "the whole system is corrupt", don't attack directly republicans, it will only drive her away. Under no circumstances are you to attack normies, even if they voted for Trump. That's absolutely haram. If she's super patriotic you should probably avoid saying death to America and badmouthing troops. Basically, hide your power level and start with the stuff you can hear from non-political folks. Go watch All Gas No Breaks if you forgot how they talk.

    The best thing you can do is presenting a new idea she's never thought about before. Chances are, she has no understanding of what socialism is and why people like it, so if you can describe the idea of socialism without actually saying the word, she'll probably agree to it. You can't just spew cnn talking points she's heard before, use your own words. In my experience, trying to change someone's mind by saying they're wrong doesn't work, but adding something new might make an impact. Your goal is to have her go "oh, I guess I've never thought about this before". Don't make her actually say that out loud, of course, you goal is expanding her believes, not proving you're the smartest boy in the world. Don't be an annoying and patronizing shitlib, it's the worst thing you can do. You can't quote people or studies, you can't send her to read theory, focus on the basics. If you have to use a study then you're probably fighting about something specific, try not to do that. If you got sucked into fighting the best thing you can do is disengage, it's probably not worth it. Even if it is, chances are you will have better luck at a later point. The more she agrees with you on other stuff the easier it will be to convert her, but never focus on that, let her come to her own conclusions. If you absolutely have to tell her she's wrong, only do that with stuff you can prove with a 100% guarantee, like if she says the internet was made in America, let it slide because who gives a shit where the internet was made, it doesn't fucking matter.

    The best thing you can do is ask her to explain how the world works, and if she can't, offer your version. It's tricky, obviously, you can't just open the conversation with the stuff like that. If you yourself can't explain the basic stuff like how money work or what politics are then you shouldn't start anything. You need to be able to explain this stuff in a way a five year old can understand, no terminology.

    If you're a Mark nerd, forget about the word commodity forever, the people of 21st century use the word product instead. And even the word product is too much and you should try to boil it down even further.

    I'm guessing one of the biggest hurdles will be the popular belief that CEOs are super special and actually deserve the money and they took all risks and shit. Again, arguing with that is pointless, but what you can do is point out how Bill Gates' mother was on the board of directors of IBM and landed him his first big contract. How Amazon was started with Jeff Bezos' parents investing 100,000 bucks into Amazon and a year later they had to give him another quarter of a million dollars. Talk about how Elon Musk didn't even create PayPal or Tesla and he just bought those companies with his daddy's money. You know, something she might not know. Try not to make it look like an argument, though.

    If she has student loans, try asking her something like "Have you ever noticed how every "this is how I paid off my student load debt before hitting 30" article always has rich parents doing their kids massive favors?". If she hates shitlibs, point out how having an ivy league diploma is meaningless because they can be a legacy degenerate crackhead failson who only got there because of their rich parents.

    Okay, I'll stop now, you get the idea.

    Oh, and I think the best way to radicalize people is to point out how the rich literally don't pay any taxes.