Inspired by this:
Is it a thing where the Chinese market ie the individuals who watch movies tend to be homophobic and/or racist on average and Hollywood is trying to appeal to them but it isn't a government policy that they have to or anything? Or does the CPC actually mandate that stuff and its an actual legitimate criticism of the CPC? Or is Hollywood doing this for Chinese markets even though neither the government nor the market actually want them to? Or is it a cynical thing they pretend they are doing for the market as part of a coordinated effort to produce sinophobic propaganda (this one seems like as stretch, but the thought came to mind?) OR finally does it not actually happen as much as people say it does (there seems to be quiet a few fairly concrete examples of it so I won't say its entirely made up)?
Whats the sitch?
Commenting because I'm also curious on what (if any) policy exists, I haven't seen anything but I don't think it exists. I'm mainly curious if there's market reasons for it.
This poster is odd for me cause Chewbacca and Poe are also cut, BB8 and Kylo are made more prominent, a few characters are resized so what exactly caused these changes? Also I doubt it was anything official from China.
Lastly, whenever this pops up, the own company and its policies are always worse than what China supposedly did. Like Disney threw away John Boyega after he made pro BLM comments so and continues to make money off racist stuff they've produced so am I going to blame China or Disney for the poster even if there's something on China's side to this?
Hollywood removes gay stuff (or doesn't put it in in the first place) for the Chinese market
Why though? Because of the market or because its policy?