It has everything. It has:

  • Giant 10 Commandments slab in the entryway
  • A declaration of war against birds
  • An old person's idea of the ideal zoomer store - a store just for taking selfies with random statues and backgrounds
  • A restaurant that serves homemade soups and cobblers (soft food is good for dentures)
  • A "WWII Museum" stocked by the guy down the street who has an alarming amount of Nazi war artifacts

A liminal space carved out of the carcass of 80s/90s consumerism. Some real twilight zone shit. A bizarre holographic projection of the past onto a more recent past onto the present.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Parlor of Entertainment

    Christ that's a bad name.

    Christ that's a bad website.

    Selfie Museum - Escape Room - Puzzle Rooms - Escape Pod - Murder Mysteries - Winter Wonders - Gameshow - Coming soon: Lewisville Parlor

    Christ that's a lot of focuses which they won't do well.


    Our newest puzzle room is now open!

    Your transported to another dimension landing inside a galactic TV Show! Solve the puzzles while translating alien messages!

    20 minutes and only $10 per person

    Christ that's an insane price for an attraction they don't proofread the advertisement for.

    We must preserve western civilisation.

    • PurrLure [she/her]
      4 years ago

      That website is a fucking treasure.

      Especially the gallery. They filled half of it with stock images and thought no one would notice. :harold-manic:

      Also if you scroll down they say you can hire a magician for zoom calls. Can you imagine having join a mandatory "team building" zoom meeting at work and encountering a fucking magician?

      • Argleblargle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I did magic back in college. Corporate events were the worst. They always want you to work some just-so story about teamwork or leadership or some HR nonsense into your act, some drunken manager always really wants you to do one of the bawdy tricks they saw you do at a bar with their mortified employee and gets belligerent when you refuse (not-as-obvious-as-you'd-think magician facts! we hire shills for those, that way they get to consent to being part of a bawdy trick in advance and it's a fun part of the show rather than sexual harassment), there's always the one guy who wanted to be a magician as a kid and doesn't understand why you won't sit down and talk shop with him while you're working, and everyone feels pressured to act like they're having fun because it's a work event so no one actually is. The pay is actually really good, I made $5k plus tips for a night's work once, but it's a miserable experience all around.

        edit: accidentally a word

      • happybadger [he/him]
        4 years ago

        At least the zoom magician would be a disconnected experience. I feel like if I went to the real thing the owners would follow me around on the verge of tears asking if I'm still having fun. yes sir just solving this alien message that looks like pig latin spelling "$5 selfie museum- we worked so hard on it please".