
This thread in particular got to me today

The cognitive dissonance required to think Biden is on some leftist hot streak (ie Dark Brandon) is too fucking immense for me to handle

They get so close to asking the right questions and then some loser comes in and says something like “no you see, Biden crushed the rail strike because he’s on the side of unions” and just repeat the same weak rationalization in 38 other comments (Biden admin supposedly helped ONE of the many rail unions get ONE concession a few months later) and so now we’re supposed to be like “oh shit, Biden is fucking amazing for workers, whelp, off to the voting booths for me! Sign me up for another round of this guy!” completely ignorant of how it is transparently for optics before the next election, before he goes back to actively repressing labor

    1 year ago

    This is kind of a big deal

    was probably in the subject of the daily democrat shill email for cringeposters. Ive seen it said on almost every post about biden going to do a photo op with strikers.