Like of course ACAB, but at the start at least they frame it as opposing ideologies, where either the ends justify the means or they don’t. So at least L and the cops are sympathetic. But holy fuck does that deteriorate fast.


So his father pulls a gun on him, which would give literally anybody intense psychological trauma and PTSD, and yet you’re supposed to still be on his side? Like, he’s objectively not a good guy, and should be fired and jailed. They set up security cameras in homes, including the bathrooms?? What the fuck? And everyone’s with it, eventually? L himself says there’s only a minuscule chance of Light being the perp, and yet goes to tremendous lengths to prove it, breaking a myriad of laws and inflicting emotional and even physical harm on people? How the fuck are you ever supposed to sympathize with “the good guys” when they’re unrelenting assholes who operate with no oversight, burning through funds to achieve a dead end cause. L built a fucking skyscraper to catch one guy. That’s millions, if not billions of dollars wasted, when it could have gone into oh I don’t know, infrastructure and welfare and literally anything that actually materially helps people? Light is completely justified in his actions, and the cops immoral and excessive actions only serve to further prove it. But the worst part is that the show doesn’t seem to understand that what the cops do is wrong at all? Admittedly I’m not quite finished yet, but goddamn this shit sucks.

ACAB, ABAB, literally fuck this show

  • Wmill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Really? I've always interpreted it as Japan and it's allies i.e U.S still run rough shot over the world just that anyone labeled a war criminal by western media was killed off by him. Kind of like that Steve Plinker or what ever his name was saying we in the greatest time of peace even though the imperial machine still going. Got a feeling Evo and Maduro would have been killed by Light if you get what I'm saying. Maybe I'm thinking too much tbh.