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  • FunnyUsername [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I'm on the chopping block at work for dying my hair pink/purple and painting my nails while presenting as male which is especially irritating because they tell me I'm the most productive employee in my department

    Also one of the owners says I dye my hair because my mother didn't love me enough as a child

    • Quimby [any, any]
      4 years ago

      get them to put it writing or record them omg. That has the makings of a strong discrimination case.

      • FunnyUsername [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I totally would if I could but I live in an at-will employment state with no union and everyone of my coworkers would be next if they backed me up. I might not get fired but I can't do much if I do.

        One of the owners is also a nutjob and would spend as much money as he needed to to fuck me over as revenge if I tried to get him in legal trouble. He's done it to other employees before

        • Quimby [any, any]
          4 years ago

          that's a common misconception about at will employment. at will is pretty fucking stupid, but you do still have some protections. if you have them on record 1) praising your performance and 2) saying things like [apologies for the transphobia that's about to follow; I'm trying to give an example of an offensive quote] "you're a man. you can't wear nail polish." , that can absolutely be enough to make a case for discrimination. At will means they can fire you without a reason. It doesn't mean they can fire you for ANY reason. that's a really important distinction.

          Now, the problem with such laws, of course, is that you often have to be in a privileged position in the first place to be able to get them enforced. So it is a catch 22. But pro bono lawyers are a thing, and also sometimes simply showing that you know your rights can preempt any problems to begin with. For example, when talking to an old apartment complex I lived at, I casually mentioned to the property manager how weird it was that the black families I'd talked to were getting quoted higher renewal prices than the white families... that shit disappeared real quick, even though none of us were actually going to lawyer up.

          Threatening people rarely goes well. but I've had a decent amount of success with a sort of playing-dumb "I love this company and I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding. I know you guys aren't the sort of people who would mean to violate the law like [way you violated the law yesterday]. that's why I wanted to bring it to your attention--for everyone's benefit, so we can keep doing great work together."

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Also one of the owners says I dye my hair because my mother didn’t love me enough as a child.

      If somebody made a joke about my mother and said she didn't love me enough I'd probably say My mother loved me like a rock. I'd also be sorely tempted to use the word fuck. At least once.

      • FunnyUsername [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah I only know because my coworker told me that he said that to them behind my back. If he said that shit to my face I would have a really hard time not telling him to fuck off.

        • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          In the past I've gotten fired for not being able to hold my tongue. It was never worth it. The glee only lasted minutes.

          • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            same but the only time i ever held my tongue i got fired anyways, so the opposite. very worth it.

            i dont advise it if you arnt planning on getting fired tho :che-laugh: