
  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Here's a really fucked up thing about Wall-E that goes unmentioned:

    The Earth is uninhabitable. The entire remains of humanity live on one spaceship. Now, it's a big spaceship, but it's not seven billion people big. In fact it's doubtful that there are enough resources in existence on this planet to launch a significant percentage of our population into space. That must mean that the billionaires used their immense accumulated capital to escape the doom that the rest of humanity was consigned to, and the humans in the film are their descendants, living essentially in the People's Republic of Buy N Large.

    Also, the robot Eve upon meeting Wall-E for the first time shoots at him without any hesitation. I put it to you that her robot type is an autonomous drone that was previously used to guard the mega-rich as society broke down, shooting to kill the poors as they desperately tried to get on board the spaceships, and repurposed to scourge the Earth at regular intervals to make sure that a new society doesn't rise up on the planet while the rich are on their space yachts. Eve herself most likely has indiscriminately vaporized tens of thousands of people with her plasma gun.

    • anaesidemus [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think it's suggested that there are more Buy N Large space arks out there, but probably not enough for 7 billion people so your point still stands.

    • Cocknballsickle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Absolutely I bet she’s where that Tom Cruise movie got it’s idea for the earth roving drones