Don’t know why he wastes time criticizing him since JT doesn’t do anything wrong. Also really funny that him and other commenters are complaining about The Deprogram being like Chapo.

Upon deeper research, it turns out Day used to post on the subreddit to dunk on BadEmpanada, which is funny since Day himself has strong BadEmpanada vibes.

  • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    because all evidence shows that most just remain social democrats

    Two things about this

    1. Them being social democrats is still probably a marked improvement on whatever they were before. Having more people advocating for social programs is not bad. Even if they are not Marxists.
    2. The number of people who move from the pipeline from social democrat to communist is not immaterial. The other poster mentioned former Berniecrats who are now communists and you ignored it. And the amount of "I used to be a liberal, then I started watching Contra points, now I'm a communist and I hate her" Ive seen is pretty remarkable. Like that wasnt my journey (I was a communist before Breadtube or leftist podcasts were even really a thing, my radicalization was more social in nature) but its still apretty common one. Just saying "it hasn't worked" when it demonstrably has for a not insignificant number of people is strange to me.

    For the record, I'm not advocating AGAINST trying a more agressive strategy where we try to pipeline people without a stop at the socdem counter. But diversity of tactics is fine. Folks like JT are not useless and definitly aren't doing harm.

    (ik I said disengage on the other topic, but this is a new topic, but please dont get aggressive again)

    • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Them being social democrats is still probably a marked improvement on whatever they were before. Having more people advocating for social programs is not bad. Even if they are not Marxists.

      I disagree specifically for western imperialist nations. Social imperialism is a particularly pernicious and stable form of imperialism that shares the stolen spoils with the entire imperial population, making revolution and anti-imperialism more difficult. Social Democracy is a superior form of capitalism that is more stable and more likely to defeat communist projects and competently manage empire without internal crises.

      The number of people who move from the pipeline from social democrat to communist is not immaterial. The other poster mentioned former Berniecrats who are now communists and you ignored it. And the amount of "I used to be a liberal, then I started watching Contra points, now I'm a communist and I hate her" Ive seen is pretty remarkable. Like that wasnt my journey (I was a communist before Breadtube or leftist podcasts were even really a thing, my radicalization was more social in nature) but its still apretty common one. Just saying "it hasn't worked" when it demonstrably has for a not insignificant number of people is strange to me.

      Lets the succ dems preach the succ. Communists should be preaching communism. That way our hands don't get tainted by their shit when it hurts the global proletariat over and over. The pipeline could still happen without communists lying and pretending to be social democrats. We don't need to do their social imperialist work for them. JT is a communist right? A marxist? Why is he spreading non-marxist concepts?

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        I basically agree with the second part actually, communists should probably not waste their time that way. You make a good point.

        But as a disabled person who relies on social programs to have housing, food, and healthcare, I find the idea that policies that help vulnerable people in western imperialist nations are actually a bad thing because it stabilizes capitalism a particularly toxic idea that I see far too often. The idea that people like me should be made to suffer more so that communism can happen sooner seems outright sociopathic to me. And I've never understood the argument.

        And don't tell me that barely surviving on barely functioning social programs is me enjoying the spoils of the third world. I'm not living the high life lol. I'm living a terrible existence actually.

        Like, be honest with your intentions here. Do I deserve housing, food, and healthcare NOW. Or should I wait until communism happens (which probably wont happen in my lifetime, especially if I dont have housing, food, and healthcare) to have those things?

        I think communists should should focus on doing things that help the proletariat in their countries, to win over those people. Whether thats direct action/mutual aid or by advocating for social programs. Like I'll tell you honestly, when I hear communists say things about this about the social programs that I require to live, I do not feel cared for by my comrades. I feel abandoned and set aside. If we aren't fighting to make things better for the vulnerable, then what is the point of all this? Obvbiously the real way to help the vulnerable a communist revolution, but I dont see whats wrong with making things better in the short term as well.

        If worrying about my own material conditions and ability to survive is a bad thing, I'd love to know why. Because I literally would not be alive without social programs.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          Where did I ever say communists shouldn't advocate for social programs? I'm not disparaging or abandoning anyone. Of course Marxists should organize and agitate for these programs, but they should do so because they are a human right and in our material class interests and not because of fabricated MMT nonsense. Ideally they should be planned and administered for free, regardless of any costs or monetary policy. If capitalism reaches crisis because it's unable to sustain all the social programs we need, we should take that time to push past the contradictions of capitalism and force through the programs anyway. Basically, MMT lies and obscures class conflict whereas Marxism prepares us for it. One says we can have our cake and eat it too (class peace and proletarian class interests fulfilled), and one tells the truth that the cake will be gone (it will require class war to fulfill proletarian interests).

          One, when confronted with economic crisis like the social democrats of Greece in recent years, will balk and buckle. The MMTers will be left flabbergasted and confused by rampant inflation and economic sabotage by the bourgies. The Marxists will be prepared for it and be ready to stomp on their little throats to force what needs to be forced, regardless of what the line was supposed to do within capitalist logic. MMT are stuck inside capitalism and cannot break out of it.

          It's my opinion that western nations cannot support all the necessary social programs for its people without imperialist superprofits, and that inability should be confronted directly - ie, we shouldn't lie to everyone and say that there's a magic way we can be both capitalist and have all the things we want! We need to be direct, and be clear that the things we want are not possible in the current arrangement of things so the current arrangement must change.

        • pillow
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
            9 months ago

            I don't necessarily disagree with you I just dont think its a message that helps us or gets people on our side. "Your food stamps come from the plundering of the third world" might be technically true (I guess, I think its more clawing back a bit of the plunder that would otherwise just sit in some billionaire's bank account in a tax haven) but if you tell someone that who needs that shit to live you're pretty effectively driving them away and I think is incredibly misguided to call that a selfish impulse. I definitly think western Marxists should advocate for social programs like the other reply to this said, but I also think western Marxists should focus heavily on mutual aid that feeds people in ways that dont rely on the government as well.

            I get probably twice as much in snap every month as I actually need to survive

            Me too but its not true for most people on snap, particularly poor families. And partially this is only true because of the state I live in. If I was on what the feds give only it would be significantly less the case. Saying this strikes me as welfare queen rhetoric that I dont think we should be engaging in. Also I only have so much extra snap because i'm not able to spend it on hot meals lol. Also I was running out of Snap fairly quickly before the Covid bonus.

            I agree that the only reason we get this stuff is to make us complacent. But whenever anyone suggests that maybe Americans would be more revolutationairy if they didnt have these things I just think "how is someone supposed to do revolution if they're starving?" I think of hierarchy of need pyramids here. I don't think its impossible to agitate people on welfare, considering I'm a communist on welfare.

            Plus every time this comes up I just tihnk of the guy on the old sub who told me that disabled people on welfare have different class interests that the working class, and cant be comrades. That pissed me off so much.

            we're exceptionally lucky to benefit as much from empire as we do

            Yes we are, but it its ignorance to expect people to think of that first when their own survival is on the line. And I think its bad messaging. Like maybe we can say it to people who are already at an advanced level but even here, now, there is an instinctual side of me that feels pushed away and uncared for by the narrative. Higher level thinking keeps me away from that but for a lot of people that wont be the case. I think we need to focus on what works here, where we are.

            I think people are generally right to not give a shit what happens to americans. we obviously have a vested interest in our own survival but I wouldn't blame anyone who's unapologetic about wanting to bring down the american empire no matter how many american lives it costs.

            I can understand having that impulse as an emotional response to the exploitation of empire. But I stand pretty solid in thinking that wanting working class people who do nothing but try to live the best lives they can under a hellish system deserve to die because of where they were born and just because they got lucky on the "where you are born" lottery to be misguided. Maybe I'm being a chauvinist idk. But I don't think it really makes sense to say "you should align yourself with people who think your life is expendable".

            still, I don't fully get your horrified reaction calling this kind of logic sociopathic or toxic.

            I think saying "worse conditions for the disabled and other vulnerable people are better for creating revolution" is... ok I get it in a way because they're saying "more suffering now for better results later". And I know wanting revolution isnt a selfish cause. So maybe "sociopathic" is a bit far. But I think its fair as an emotional reaction for me to go "you wanting me to suffer more so I revolt sooner feels like you dont actually care about me, just see me as a tool, and that doesnt make me want to fight for your cause, also the more I suffer the less I am able to think about things like revolution so you're wrong anyway." I'm not going to abandon leftism over it but it does make me go "do my comrades really care about me?". Like you outright said that some leftists may think of me as expendable. How am I supposed to feel about that?