More like Jimmy BORE

(argue in the comments, but like, the WWE equivalent of arguing)

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    4 years ago

    You’re alluding to the senate being republican. I get that, but I think it’s mistaken to believe that it wouldn’t be a win for us if this bill would pass the house. It would create legitimacy for the movement, it would make it look like M4A is very winnable in the short term and it would destroy the “Bernie and the socialists want pie-in-the-sky unicorns” type of argument.

    If it could pass the House alone that would be a historic victory. With the slim majority the Democrats have, 5 no votes can sink a bill. In the best case scenario I can see M4A gaining support in the House but at least 5 are going to be against it. And each House member knows that their vote isn't going to be the tipping point that brings it to a win since it'll have some against it.

    If, on the other hand, the left is constantly seen as fighting on behalve of the people for certain popular social improvements (like M4A), it will be more about the issues, and the left will be fighting the electoral terrain in more favorable condition

    I agree with this. Optically it looks good. My concern wasn't that it would look bad but like nothing would really be gained

      • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think it's something but not a major gain, so I'm disagreeing with those who are absolutely certain this is the main strategy we shlould all focus on and our best bet. I haven't been considering the optics that much compared to like what we gain from the vote.