like i saw something about the steam version yesterday and thought "hey yeah i am really down to play that whenever that launches" and it has now turned into "i could handle the ASCII graphics i am big boy, played rogue stuff i am ready let's go 2021" anyway this feels like some really dark omens for me this year

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    it is just a thought that comes back every once in a while like the steam version looks like it will be really acessible ux but there is no date for that like sometime this year maybe, i am considering doing a search about tilesets and see if there is any that would make the game a bit more understandable

    • Amorphous [any]
      4 years ago

      the steam version looks like it will be really acessible ux

      it won't be, trust me. it's coming with a new tileset, but there are all sorts of tilesets already out there. it doesn't make the game any easier to learn

      • redthebaron [he/him]
        4 years ago

        i am more talking on having mouse support which seems to me like the actual most important thing like i am using the starter pack that has this but i feel like that having this will make it more acessible like from the start and and also native support tends to be better than mod support in my mind, like after playing with it a bit it is not the worst ui but i would love to have a normal menu that i could click on things and maybe click and drag when i am doing a wall to decide the size but it is fine like i am starting to get where things are