Come be dirty and poor with me. The bourgeoisie on this site are not invited.

Let's go pee on their teslas or something.

Legitimately I hate all of them subtle bragging about their fucking jobs. Please go eat some caviar or something. Thanks.

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i totally agree. there are so many issues with academia and higher education. i completely agree, which is why i am of two minds of it all.

    i do think you can learn all the things someone learns in college by yourself, absolutely, but it takes that mindset and push. i have plenty of comrades who only (or never) went to college or anything. it doesn't make their opinions less valid than mine.

    I guess i'm more speaking of the people who critique higher ed from the other side than you. who assume college is a communist conspiracy or whatever, when its basically the opposite.