It's a good question and I'm not sure, but I was thinking along the lines of what BPP was doing. Which ranged from free breakfasts for kids to basically creating their own community police force. So I suppose not far from creating an army lol
It's difficult to compare though, as I understand it cops & white people were even more aggressive toward black neighborhoods back then so the need was maybe more obvious.
I realize my post was vague, it was vague because I just honestly don't know
Oh yeah I agree with you, capitalism is harsh as fuck on black communities today too. You put it better than I, I was referring exactly to the diffused responsibility of neoliberalism. It's harder and more confusing to organize a BPP army against "neoliberalism" than physical wh*tes coming at you with guns. I agree we should exploit this shit, but I don't know how. Tenant unions & eviction resistance are great though. This is probably where some of the most egregious state violence happens today.
It's a good question and I'm not sure, but I was thinking along the lines of what BPP was doing. Which ranged from free breakfasts for kids to basically creating their own community police force. So I suppose not far from creating an army lol
It's difficult to compare though, as I understand it cops & white people were even more aggressive toward black neighborhoods back then so the need was maybe more obvious.
I realize my post was vague, it was vague because I just honestly don't know
If the wh*tes are less aggressive now (they aren't, neoliberal policies are used to diffuse responsibility instead), then we should exploit that.
Oh yeah I agree with you, capitalism is harsh as fuck on black communities today too. You put it better than I, I was referring exactly to the diffused responsibility of neoliberalism. It's harder and more confusing to organize a BPP army against "neoliberalism" than physical wh*tes coming at you with guns. I agree we should exploit this shit, but I don't know how. Tenant unions & eviction resistance are great though. This is probably where some of the most egregious state violence happens today.