the chapo boys repeatedly told us nothing was going to happen

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm not following your line. Pina seems to be arguing that these protestors are a wing of the status quo and not in fact radicals. They only got as far as they did because they faced 0 resistance and needed portapotties and a corndog stand present to carry out this action. There were only a few thousand at most and no other protests outside of DC.

    This isn't some mass movement, it was a carefully planned and organized event. For contrast, look at the summer protests. Hundreds of thousands marching in every urban center or America. Thousands camping out for days outside the White House. More solidarity protests in cities around the world. That's the radical power we have on our side. We don't need shitters and corndogs.

    • anth [he/him]
      3 years ago

      no other protests outside of DC.

      They breached the Kansas statehouse, they were trying in oregon, they managed to get through the gates of the governors mansion in washington.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Still pretty isolated events for the most part. They only faced a violent police force in LA I think? I mean it's terrible, but the biggest reason they're getting this far is police compliance. None of them are really resisting the police. Even in DC, they were just calmly asked to disperse with no tear gas or batons or LRAD. Their numbers aren't that massive. Like 2,000 max in a protest. Even my small town was still having gatherings larger than that 2 weeks into the George Floyd protests.

        They don't even know what to do when they get into these places. Some people planted bombs, some people just took selfies, some just started shooting at other protestors. It's just moronic. They aren't organized, they're just going places and standing around for the most part. That's why they needed the food stands, they'd just leave if they got hungry. There isn't any drive to change things in them. They don't have any sort of genuine ideology to organize around. The only reason they're even going out is because they know nothing will happen to them.