• HarryLime [any]
    4 years ago

    Let's be real- they'd do this if Bernie won. And they'd have institutional support instead of institutional paralysis.

    • USSMillicentKent [any]
      4 years ago

      You think so? Maybe I spend too much time on this site but I feel like no small part of this act is resistance to a milquetoast corrupt corporate globalist worldview

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        It is, but when they say Globalist, they mean Jews. Corporate media has made it very clear they'll do anything they can to shit on Bernie. If it was him, their coverage in the build up would've been so ubiquitous you'd imagine the Magas were buying commercial time.

        • USSMillicentKent [any]
          4 years ago

          Let me emphatically disavow any anti-Semitic charge to the word "globalist" in my post -- I meant it in the NAFTA/TPP sense.

          It was my personal experience that my right-wing family, etc. were uniquely sympathetic to Bernie because they understood how hard he was getting screwed by corporatist media sources. Right-wing news sources love to point out how crooked the DNC is, and everyone who paid attention understood that Bernie was the target of that and why. Oddly I found that even Foxbrained people came out with nuanced and ideological opinions on Bernie's policy, but respected him as an honest guy. Not so with Biden. But again, small sample size.

          • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
            4 years ago

            No worries, I get you.

            I think the thing to remember is that these folks aren't necessarily your average republican, so much as the vanguard of the Kool-Aid drinkers. These are the folks who popularize the right wing radical bullshit that the media then normalizes by splashing them across the screen as if they were a much bigger force in society. They're gulping down Koch and Mercer propaganda directly from their paid mouthpieces and then showing up in the streets giving a reality to the lies they're being fed in a weird kind of right wing consent manufacturing ouroboros.

    • USSMillicentKent [any]
      4 years ago

      I certainly don't agree with the ideology of the people storming the Capitol but I also don't think it's a surprising turn of events. I think it's tragic and terrifying that we're seeing a fascist show of force, but I lay large blame at the feet of the Democratic party, which has systematically destroyed all political forces which might resist it.

      • Moosegender [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah. Blaming the dems for Trump instigating a coup and calling the election illegitimate. Definitely not chud-like.

        • USSMillicentKent [any]
          4 years ago

          I'm not blaming them for Trump's actions, I'm blaming them for systematic oppression of all forms of resistance. Trump telegraphed this move in 2016. Who's out there willing to fight to certify Joe Biden?