• Spinoza [any]
    3 years ago

    charlottesville was after maga was a thing

      • read_freire [they/them]
        3 years ago

        You're def off.

        Charlottesville was a maga spasm, and a high water mark at the time (this is higher and mostly the same crowd). But the normie magas put down their hats for a bit in shame afterwards...til people forgot.

        • LeninsRage [he/him]
          3 years ago

          It's a little different. The CHUDs who showed up at Charlottesville were mostly younger guys in literal Neo-Nazi orgs, terminally online 4chan Anons, basically all the youths who were genuinely emboldened by 2016 and thought they literally memed Trump into the Oval Office. They thought the MAGA upswell was their movement, tons of think pieces about the rise of the "Alt Rite" indundated the internet and airwaves throughout 2016 and 2017, etc. Charlottesville was their attempt to go mainstream, march in the streets, put a physical presence to what had until then been an almost entirely online movement restricted to epic meming and posting. It was their high-water mark. One of their leaders, whose name I don't even fucking remember anymore, went from a buff af self-confident gun-toting psycho to a blubbering wreck on camera about to get arrested by the cops, now known as "The Crying Nazi". Fucking Traditionalist Worker's Party literally destroyed itself because the leaders were cucking each other.

          After Charlottesville the vaunted "Alt Right" was totally eclipsed by QAnon psychos. Boomers flocked to 4chan, 8chan, reddit, Facebook, etc. That's primarily who we've been seeing in eruptions since then, including today.

          • read_freire [they/them]
            3 years ago

            Yeah fair enough. There's enough overlap that I don't see them as separate but you're right about the distinct motivations and demographics for charlottesville vs qanon. Loved crying nazi at the time too. The only thing to add is that a shitload of em got doxxed and lost jobs, etc.