if anyone has sources that rebuke the "trump's base is white working class" narrative pushed by msm, post them here. My sister is turning towards socialism

  • heycornpop [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hey, I’m from a Trump supporting area (rural Appalachia) and I gottta say that those people actually are his base. That’s why he talked so much about NAFTA and jobs going overseas and things while he was running. They felt alienated from the system so they voted for him.

    • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      would you say that these people would have gone for Bernie (in 2016 or 2020) had he been the candidate - both against Trump or against one of his 2016 primary challengers, like Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Or do you think they were probably going for Trump either way. Like, if they had been given a real alternative from the democratic party to these economic policies, do you think that would've changed things? Or would things like religion and race and culture wars shit have gotten in the way?

      • heycornpop [they/them,he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think Bernie would be better than others, but again, religion and culture are probably the two biggest factors besides economics. A slavish devotion to all 1 billion and counting sects of Protestantism (including the weird shit like snake handling, and the openly abusive grifters) and a culture of distrust. I think Bernie would’ve did better than others tho. They aren’t so ideological they forget their material conditions. I think there’d be a split at the least.