All the posts and statements going on with lines like "this woman is dead b/c if trump" or describing the incident as tragic are wild.

Maybe someone here can talk me off this point.

I get that a family lost a loved one but I just don't care?

Why should I feel sympathy for a QAnon freak who would kill me?

  • CarlMarksToeCheese [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    What makes you say that? Just curious, I just know she's an Air Force vet with 4? tours so the possibility she's just a veteran Q believer is higher than operative in my book, but if there's specifics to her career I'd like to learn about it

    • read_freire [they/them]
      4 years ago

      The news outlet that first broke her identity reported that she was a 'high level security official'.

      In case you're not aware, 3 letter agencies pretty routinely deputize troops for intel work. I've known enlisted troops who worked for the NSA when they were active duty, so a 'high level security official' would almost certainly be one of those (haven't been able to find her rank but I'm kinda over digging any deeper considering it's all tabloid trash and lib rags doing the reporting). I saw some other tweets claiming she was a cop but those seemed dubious at best.

      Are there authentically Q-pilled troops? Absolutely. Are there authentically Q-pilled cops? Absolutely. My argument is that the authentically Q-pilled troops doing intel work are outnumbered by agent provocateurs. The FBI's got folks on the 'kidnap Gretchen Whitmer' and 'bomb the Hoover Dam' plots but they don't have anyone on the ground yesterday? Seems far-fetched.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        4 years ago

        The Air Force is crammed full of Colorado Springs ultra-right wing Evangelical psychos. Like half the Air Force brass are apocalyptic death cult Evangelicals. It's a huge and notorious open secret.

        A high level Air Force security goon is pretty much the core audience for Q-shit.

      • CarlMarksToeCheese [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Cool, I didn't catch that part of the news when I broke, and I'm aware of the deputization side of alphabet agencies. Reminding me about the FBI throwing up their hands and saying they had no idea etc has given me pause. Thanks for your response!

        • read_freire [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Persuasive counterpoint(s): an agent provocateur wouldn't be at the front of the line like that putting themselves in harms way, and the Air Force officer corps is full of end-times evangelicals who would be prime candidates for Q-pilling.

          idk which is worse tbh

          • CarlMarksToeCheese [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            That's the 1 thing about it that made me scratch my head, I saw a different angle of it and the secret service people were plainly pointing guns at the door and yelling at people, climbing in like that flies in the face of basic military training no? But she was also in the Air Force, idk, and also just because she was trained doesn't mean she'll always make the right call

              • CarlMarksToeCheese [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                I thought it was pretty see through, and where she climbed through the glass was broken through, definitely enough for her to read the situation

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              4 years ago

              Some people are willing to die for their convictions. Americans seem to have a really hard time understanding this lately, but there are (many) people in the world who are not dissuaded from pursuing their ideological goals even with death staring them in the face.