All the posts and statements going on with lines like "this woman is dead b/c if trump" or describing the incident as tragic are wild.

Maybe someone here can talk me off this point.

I get that a family lost a loved one but I just don't care?

Why should I feel sympathy for a QAnon freak who would kill me?

    4 years ago

    So I went through some of her social media and what struck me is that a lot of the things she yelled about in videos were inherent contradictions of capitalism. The problem is she got snookered by opportunists selling fascism and conspiracy theories. I am sad for that. I am sad that someone fell to the disinformation so hard they LARPed themselves to death.

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, thats how fascism works. It channels, jiu jitsu's even, justifiable rage at a liberal capitalist order.

        4 years ago

        Its fucking amazing. I see so much of my family falling for the same thing, just not nearly as hard or fast. I've spent so much of my life just being fucking angry about it and lashing out, and now that I'm trying to actually reach out and teach, it feels like its too late.

        So I guess I'm not sad this lady died. I'm sad cuz this could easily be someone I know that I didn't try to educate and instead just yelled at and called them a racist chud or whatever.

        • neko_wafer [she/her,any]
          4 years ago

          Hey, don't be hard on yourself. Those years you were lashing out, you were holding on to the truth the best you knew how. Now you have a different approach. When we look back and cringe at things in our past, it's because we've grown beyond them. So congrats! Anything you learn from is not a mistake.