- High-speed trains
- Freight trains
- Maglev trains
- Regular-speed trains
- Steam trains
- Baby trains (normies call them trolleys)
- Walking (with snow shoes)
- Longboards
- Horse
- Walking (without snow shoes)
what if we had a bike but instead of a regular bike it was a tandem bike that 200 people could ride along a track
You can get those bikes that run on rails. They are cool, I think some have bars on them as well.
trains trains trains trains trains trains trains trains trains trains trains trains
Overlooking the superior maneuverability of rollerblades is a tragedy.
Rollerblades are bourgeois, that’s two weeks re-education for you
Next person who suggests a vehicle with t*res is getting gulag’d
Train Gang retains a temporary alliance with Zeppelin Gang until the transoceanic railways are completed
Why are maglev trains at 3? aren't they just high-speed trains but way cooler?
What if we rigged them up with a sound-system and a fog machine?
You can get subways with rubber tires that still have a guide track, like Montreal. Train/bus interbreeding has produced a tunneling masterpiece of the electrical fire.