JD Power awards but for disposable wet wipes
JD Power awards but for disposable wet wipes
I've found that while posting isn't praxis, it is a useful way to expose people to ideas they may not have considered. Successfully got several redditors to concede that CEOs are not more inherently doing more work than any other worker and opened the door to radicalization by linking that video essay that goes into excruciatingly deep detail (with evidence) that capitalism isn't good at doing business.
The youngest millennials are in their mid 20s and the oldest are getting into their mid 40s but ok
Antinatalism is a fuck. I may have a really hard time with it all too often but I enjoy being alive and experiencing sensation a lot more than the void. Watch me upload when we liberate cyborgs from the capitalists so my pattern of consciousness continues.
Death of the author baybeeeee
This site is all MLs who attack left when they're bored, I dunno man.
I'm out here looking for the Ultra Rare lactobacillus brewed sour beer. It's got that flavor tang that other sour beers can't get anywhere near. Brewed with yogurt or something idk but it has no dairy profile at all.
Gotta use psyops to fight the ghost. Can't get haunted, can't get possessed if you ruin the vibe. Blast meme songs if you have to go up there.
Joe was a posadist this whole time and will solve climate change by Thanosing America
Like we'll ever see a gamer-american president
Zaheer did tons wrong and that's coming from an anarchist.
Honestly the showrunners politics are true lib shit and it shows. The only villain ever presented in a sympathetic light is the fascist.
The Maggie Mae Fish videos on him are great. Dude can only interpret things via Randian Objectivism with a healthy amount of christian savior imagery. And of course putting in as much toxic masculinity as he can get away with.
Also his CGI style may be very aesthetic but it looks like total crap.
Portal 2 was excellent, but it doesn't have the staying cultural power of Portal. Portal came out of fucking nowhere as part of a package deal in the Orange Box, which rode on the Half Life reputation. A tech demo that had a story tacked on. Peak meme content for 2007.
Portal 2 is undeniably a step up from Portal but it just doesn't have the same sheer memorability.
Me listening to Dave Grohl.
The whiplash of a baby yoda joke to the 500k deaths
This is a Citations Needed fansite, ma'am.
The US gov has done studies and found that if as few as 9 of the 55k grid substations are taken down, the entire grid (most of which is largely 20 years past EOL) will go down for at least a year and a half. A different Defense Dept study found that without the grid as much as 90% of the population may die.
But yeah push for war with an ICBM-equipped power sure.
Best-before dates are actually a marketing gimmick. They use focus groups to taste test products and set the best-before based on when group opinion drops the most. Product is still fine, just past its prime.
Expiry dates can generally be ignored on fresh food (you can tell with your own senses if it's expired or not based on your local storage conditions), but on canned goods definitely pay attention because they're typically marketed towards the thrifty/long-storage types who actually need that info. Expiration on drugs should also be obeyed: it indicates when a medicine is either ineffective as the active ingredient has decayed, or downright dangerous if it's decayed into something bad.