that might be scrappy actually

kinda forgot we need a megathread

The State and Revolution

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The Conquest of Bread

AMAC and ACAB, sort by new

Yesterday’s megathread 🐊

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  • stefaniy [she/her]
    4 years ago

    What I keep reminding myself, and I think it would do people well to remember this, is that all of the shit the pundit class is saying about the MAGA protestors right now is exactly what they wanted to say about BLM. When those videos of a Target burning came out, I guarantee you fucking Vanderbilt Anderson Cooper's first thought was the exact same he said about the MAGA idiots a few days ago, "traitors, seditionists, send 'em in".

    The only thing that stopped him was that the media still tries to performatively care about shit like this, but even then, how many people spouted off nonsense about "outside agitators", "anarchist white bros", or even "Russian plots"? Don't get me wrong, I do not support these people's causes, I'm fucking trans for Christ's sake, but just remember that to the elite class and their mouthpieces, all "populism" is the same. The only people in this country who actually deserve to be shot by the cops are the very oligarchs they are sworn to protect, and if your main takeaway from this is that we have to be more perpetually fearful of a different kind of "terror" then I don't trust you to actually have anybody's back if shit goes down on our side.

    • Moosegender [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yes. Blacks people wanting not to get routinely killed is the same as rich White fascists trying to overthrow the legitimate installment of the next government because trump won’t accept the results.