Honey, you know I think 120% good which is why I'm fanatically devoted to a politician who hates me and denies basic reality. What if I told you, stay with me here because this is a big think, what if all those people you watch die every day were crisis actors? I know you have those (((numbers))) on your computer at work, but I saw a cartoon frog on 4chan and he said what if actually they had influenza but it's also a Chinese bioweapon but it's also a democratic hoax that will go away on 4 November? No honey I'm not gaslighting you, you know how smart I am so how can I think a dumb thing?
Honey, you know I think 120% good which is why I'm fanatically devoted to a politician who hates me and denies basic reality. What if I told you, stay with me here because this is a big think, what if all those people you watch die every day were crisis actors? I know you have those (((numbers))) on your computer at work, but I saw a cartoon frog on 4chan and he said what if actually they had influenza but it's also a Chinese bioweapon but it's also a democratic hoax that will go away on 4 November? No honey I'm not gaslighting you, you know how smart I am so how can I think a dumb thing?