This is a project to translate Ukrainian fiction into English, supporting indie artists. We may not like their government, but we can still support the people.

  • daisy
    9 months ago

    Like CNN?

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    this is a scam , we live in the 21 century to translate something is not causing cost , also those things are "interlectuall property" only the holder of it can offically do the translation. Fan tanslations can be made obviously , and they are "Fan Translations " then, but the Fan does that because he is so dedicated to the piece of art and wants to spead it and share it with you .. he needs no money for that..

    this is surelly a scam...

  • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    9 months ago

    We may not like their government, but we can still support the people.

    Thought maybe this was legit until that last line lol


  • P1d40n3 [he/him]
    9 months ago

    This is legit,sorry I came across as a douche! Seriously, support this work!