People who harass our trans members in DMs?

People who insist, in bad faith, that there isn't any transphobia because they don't personally see it?

People who get foaming-at-the-mouth angry at new efforts to root out transphobia?

We're better off without them.

This site gets with worse with every trans user who leaves because of transphobia, and I hope that we can make this a site where that no longer happens.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Also a small point, I think people carried a Twitter struggle session over to here, which concluded that you shouldn't demand bio pronouns. That's true on Twitter because Twitter has a lot of real names and faces on it.

    That doesn't apply here, to an anonymous forum. You should have to use them here, because you absolutely should not be sharing your actual identity here.

    On Twitter, you end up asking a segment of non-anonymous people to either misgender or out themselves.

    So yeah it's cis people here putting not much thought at all into their posts.