Drama is when your friend starts talking to your crush behind your back or spreads rumors and shit. People being attacked and belittled for the way they are and their accompannying struggles is not "drama," its bigotry and it could literally turn this site into some kind of stupidpol or redscare fucking cesspool or much worse.

If you dont wanna stick your nose in any of these issues, thats ok, but just dont minimize the struggles of trans peoples. Literally pretending none of this is happening would be more constructive than punching down on people who just want to be treated with respect and have their voices heard. But ideally, please be a true ally and try to activelly push back against transphobia.

Just felt like i had to get that off my back, thanks my sexy commie comrades :heart-sickle: .

  • Veegie2600 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    You're reaction to what I had to say should serve as an example to anyone in a similar boat. Of course us Cissies are gonna say shit that's just straight up wrong some of the time, our brains have been inundated with all of this reactionary American propaganda and social conditioning since birth so there's naturally going to be some latent layers of transphobia and bigotry within, what matters is that people are ever vigilant of these blind spots and put forth the extra effort to listen to the voices of marginalized groups and do the little things to help said people feel respected and heard.

    You have responded perfectly in this respect! Upon hearing my reasoning, you looked inside and made the conscious decision to modify your behavior and outlook to accommodate the needs of our trans comrades, and that's based as fuck my dude.

    See people: all you have to do is be like @grisbajskulor . Its that simple, you don't have to perform some kind of insane liberal self-flagellation and build a fucking light-blue and pink alter (though that might be cool I guess), contrary to whatever all of these reactionary fucking stupidpol redscare shitfucks would have you believe. All you have to do is take 2 seconds out of your day to make a small decision to be better, and internalize it.

    We can do this Chapo, I believe in yall! :heart-sickle: :stalin-heart: