like i have literally not heard a fucking peep from him its both relaxing and horrifying lmao. like imagine what they would do to a modern day lenin.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Fascism mighr not be a totally coherent ideology as a whole, but individual strands have complex theoretical bases and coherent plans of action. Like Mussolini and Sorel wrote multiple books. I see no sign of that in the USA.

    Talk to me when they sieze a train line or a telecommunications exchange while doing any of the above. When large sections of the military and especially the civil service openly reject Biden and support them. When they have a single military trained and focused paramilitary 15,000 people strong with machine guns and mortars and armoured vehicles and a plan for what to do the week after they storm the Capitol.

    Because that's the Beer Hall Putsch and it wasn't even the most successful right wing attempt that year, let alone that decade. Nations are hard to take by force internally. Coups usually are just external reflections of an alteration of the ruling class.

    Fasicsm is not just a petit bougeois movement, it requires sections of the Haute bougeoisie to provide the capital base, usually this is a pressed national bourgoisie.

    Do you see the petit and national bourgeoisie in a position to overcome the international bourgeoisie in the US? I do not. And the IB is Biden and the Lincoln project and they are utterly ascendent right now. Maybe that will change in a year or two but I don't see it.

    Otherwise its pointless adventurism. Say they did take congress and start shooting its members. What then? What do they DO!?

    Hitler had a plan. The Kapp Putsch a few years earlier had an even better plan. Franco and Mussolini had successful plans.

    What's their plan? What would a successful version of the last week look like? They've got nothing and that's been clear since Charlottesville.