like i have literally not heard a fucking peep from him its both relaxing and horrifying lmao. like imagine what they would do to a modern day lenin.

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Pretty sure the military and the intelligence community stepped in and sat trump down and showed him a tape filmed from the grassy knoll

  • Tatoes [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I mean it's pretty fucking wild watching the bourgeoisie unite to remove his platforms and his funding sources. They legitimately helped a burgeoning fascist movement rise to the brink of total unchecked power because they didn't want to pay taxes, and they are now cutting off the purse strings. I'm not even sure if its being done in time to prevent what looks like might be a hellish week that has got me completely anxiety riddled.

    But it's also insane that our big wet president, a man who could walk to any microphone on the planet and be broadcast to his base....a man who literally has an EMERGENCY PRESIDENTIAL ALERT that could be sent to everyone in America's phone.......this fucking throwing a big Boomer tantrum because he can't incite stochastic terrorism from his "beautiful Twitter account."

    We live in hell. I hate it.

    • polonez [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      He has lived past his usefulness. He gave them the tax cuts and loosening of regulations they wanted, and now that he lost, they can reject him into the ether and get what they want from a senile old man in Biden.

        • Zodiark
          3 months ago

          deleted by creator

        • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
          4 years ago


          I love this

          trump can be left to hang out to dry now

          The sad thing is even if he gets impeached (making him ineligible to hold office again), his cult of personality will absolutely rally behind electing his kids. 70 million people voted for Trump, unfortunately they'll most likely rally behind his kids first chance they get.

      • Tatoes [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        "He has lived past his usefulness. He gave them the tax cuts and loosening of regulations they wanted, and now that he lost, they can reject him into the ether and get what they want from a senile old man in Biden"

        Then they are playing a dangerous game. The bourgeoisie always think they can contain and control the fascists, right up until the point they can't.

        Even if we somehow squeek past the inauguration relatively unscathed (which looks doubtful), we have already shattered the expectation of a peaceful transfer of power. The public now EXPECTS violence. We have officially entered an era of expected right-wing violence to be carried out against any (giant fucking air quotes) “left” government target(s). This is objectively horrible.

        Each successive attempt at right-wing violence has grown more sophisticated and has increased its level of success. From Charlottesville, to the MAGA bomber, the Michigan statehouse occupation, the foiled (even if entrapped) plot to kidnap governors, and now the violent siege of the capitol. Each event larger and more coordinated than the previous. Trump is currently (present tense) attempting an autogolpe. The leader of the executive branch just sent a mob of petit bourgeoise small business owners, racist cops and militia men, and would-be school shooters to publicly execute members of the legislative branch so that they could replace the American Flag with the fascist Blue Lives Matter flag… all bufoonery aside, let the gravity of that event sink in.

        It’s been almost a week since the event, and we still have not been told who is currently in charge of the government. Think about that. It’s still in dispute. Hence why there is such a concerted effort on the part of the bourgeoisie to assert control over the situation. But this latest round of silencing from the bourgeoisie, I’m afraid, is too little too late. It is their last-ditch attempt to assert control over a situation that has spiraled steadily for 4 years out of hand. They are using a tool that they normally wish to keep in the shadows because they have no other choice. They are DESPERATELY trying maintain control even as the very fascists they allowed in their ranks are learning how to seize power and operate without their support.

        Make no mistake about it, the right has pulled off a remarkable propaganda campaign with this latest action. This is not going away any time soon.

        If the Dems do not swiftly and thoroughly enact ramifications for the leaders who allowed this to happen (including capitol police, senators, and even the President), this escalation of right-wing violence WILL GET WORSE. Guaranteed.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I don't think it's nearly that bad yet. They're incompetent and have no coherent plan or even ideological grounding. They're not close to a Beer Hall Putsch effort yet, and their theory base doesn't even have a Sorel yet, let alone a Mussolini.

          That said, there is cause to worry, there's a chance the NRx or something similar will resurge, unite the currently reeling Alt-Right and develop a coherent strategy, but this is a long term concern.

          I feel the centre is going to be our primary enemy for the next few years as the centrist neolibs LARP at having things in control and the establishment right restores power over its base using its tea party and evangelical puppets, at least until Biden really fucks up in 2022 or 2024.

          • Tatoes [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            "They’re incompetent"

            They successfully sieged the Capitol, and with the help of insiders who still have yet to be discovered. This narrative of incompetence needs to drop. Yes, some of them are buffoons, but there are competent actors among their ranks, and each action has been more targeted and more coordinated than the previous:

            1. Charlottesville = Broadly targeted at the left
            2. MAGA Bomber = Broadly targeted at perceived political enemies
            3. Michigan Statehouse = Planned forceful seizure of state infrastructure
            4. Gov Whitmer Plot = Planned political assassination
            5. Capitol Siege = ALL OF THE ABOVE

            "[Fascists] have no coherent plan or even ideological grounding"

            Fascism never does. Fascism by its very nature seeks the destruction of enemies. You cannot look into the mind of a fascist simpleton and divine any higher wisdom, because there is nothing there. It doesn't have a coherent worldview because it doesn't require one.

            "I feel the centre is going to be our primary enemy for the next few years as the centrist neolibs LARP at having things in control"

            What does this even mean? Fascism finds its most fertile ground in the petit bourgeois. If you are on the left, your goal should be to pull the center to the left, not push them into the arms of the right. The center is not your opponent, the far right is. In moments of ideological struggle, whichever way the center breaks usually dictates the terms of victory. The far right is displaying increased amounts of discipline in their actions and recruiting by appealing to base desires of bloodlust, do not waste all of your time dunking on center-left libs who would otherwise be more sympathetic to your worldview as the right continues on their campaign of indiscriminate violence.

            • Mardoniush [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Fascism mighr not be a totally coherent ideology as a whole, but individual strands have complex theoretical bases and coherent plans of action. Like Mussolini and Sorel wrote multiple books. I see no sign of that in the USA.

              Talk to me when they sieze a train line or a telecommunications exchange while doing any of the above. When large sections of the military and especially the civil service openly reject Biden and support them. When they have a single military trained and focused paramilitary 15,000 people strong with machine guns and mortars and armoured vehicles and a plan for what to do the week after they storm the Capitol.

              Because that's the Beer Hall Putsch and it wasn't even the most successful right wing attempt that year, let alone that decade. Nations are hard to take by force internally. Coups usually are just external reflections of an alteration of the ruling class.

              Fasicsm is not just a petit bougeois movement, it requires sections of the Haute bougeoisie to provide the capital base, usually this is a pressed national bourgoisie.

              Do you see the petit and national bourgeoisie in a position to overcome the international bourgeoisie in the US? I do not. And the IB is Biden and the Lincoln project and they are utterly ascendent right now. Maybe that will change in a year or two but I don't see it.

              Otherwise its pointless adventurism. Say they did take congress and start shooting its members. What then? What do they DO!?

              Hitler had a plan. The Kapp Putsch a few years earlier had an even better plan. Franco and Mussolini had successful plans.

              What's their plan? What would a successful version of the last week look like? They've got nothing and that's been clear since Charlottesville.

        • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          I’m afraid, is too little too late. It is their last-ditch attempt to assert control over a situation that has spiraled steadily for 4 years out of hand. They are using a tool that they normally wish to keep in the shadows because they have no other choice. They are DESPERATELY trying maintain control even as the very fascists they allowed in their ranks are learning how to seize power and operate without their support.

          I don't think the situation is that dire, but things are heading in that direction for sure. Okay, you just purged a hundred thousand of the most mask-off reactionary people from social media. Cool. It's not like those people are going anywhere. They still live among us. They're still armed and dangerous. A week ago they might have felt like the government was conspiring against them, but after this response that belief will turn into a conviction that they will carry to the grave. These people can never be won over or brought back into the fold after this.

          As for swift ramifications, I wouldn't count on it. The political elites will not fracture and turn on each other. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden openly insist that a strong Republican Party is essential for the well-being of the state. The only accountability people like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley will see are wokescold attack ads which rile their supporters up. Nor will the police fracture and turn on each other. They will sooner riot than execute a political purge against their own ranks. The most likely thing to happen is Trump gets scapegoated. He's just one guy who's usefulness has expired. They can toss him into the oubliette and lose nothing (his followers are already lost). This they still probably won't do though, because the precedent of holding Presidents accountable to the law is unacceptable. It is the imperial President's job to commit crimes against humanity with impunity.

          Meanwhile, The social media purge will drive the libs into a false sense of security jerking each other off about prestige tv and the "return to norms."

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Got into an argument last week with a stranger about Fidel and Che. How many other "Lenins" has the US media absolutely wrecked?

      • disco [any]
        4 years ago

        You were going to be president, but they silenced you so effectively almost nobody even remembers your candidacy. I remember, though. I remember...

    • Gosplan14 [any]
      4 years ago

      It doesn't even need to be a Lenin tbh.

      Here, for example, even the toothless demsoc DIE LINKE, is usually a subject of media silence unless someone publically says something controversial.

    • catface [they/them]
      4 years ago

      uh no they couldn't have I know many people here live in a bubble of extremely online nonsense and have had their brains rotted by garbage like trueanon, but this delusion is hilarious

      The response is already creating a reactionary effect in trump supporters and the right wing in general, even with the failed coup less than a week ago, if they had done this in the middle of his term, they could've marched on the capital and executed every democrat, then marched over to silicone valley and done the same thing and enough people in the country (here included) would support them that they would've been able to seize power easily

      Not surprising though, fascism historically has always been supported by useful idiots who are immediately purged as a result of getting their wishes

      • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I more meant they could have de platformed him for making an ass out of himself all through his campaigning instead of making it a spectacle for ratings.

        Also love all the vitriol about a simple shitposty comment. Cool cool. Obviously they wouldn’t completely strip away his ability to use social media accounts right in the middle of his administration for no reason

        Only a complete fucking moron would assume that...



        But they definitely could have pushed back and done more, they definitely used him for a reason. And more than anything I’m just saying a handful of dinguses in Silicon Valley really have a lot of unchecked power over controlling speech/discourse/media

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        if they had done this in the middle of his term, they could’ve marched on the capital and executed every democrat

        Kneecapping fascist movements is easier the earlier you do it.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          4 years ago

          They had to be let in and had like $450,000 in funding for what happened on the 6th. All that really shows is that the cops are and always will be on their side. Kneecapping fascist movements is easy when you stop giving them fucking money and put anyone who does in prison or in a guillotine.

      • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Let's be honest, if there not an attack at a Twitter facility within the next few weeks, it will be no small miracle.

      • 4_AOC_DMT [any]
        4 years ago

        brains rotted by garbage like trueanon

        but it's entertaining garbage

      • AnarchoLeninist [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When you understand the social base of fascism and how it relates to the American State

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      lmao imagine myspace getting revived and outcompeting facebook after a boomer exodus follows trump there.

      that'd definitely be on brand for the particular strain of hell world we live in

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        lmao imagine myspace getting revived and outcompeting facebook after a boomer exodus follows trump there.

        Outperforming maybe not, but seeing a massive influx of boomers? Probably not that crazy; myspace can be to facebook what parler is to twitter (a sanctuary for right wing morons).

        • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Last time I looked, 5 years ago probably, they tried to pivot into being a music page, like a reverbnation or something type website but, yknow SoundCloud was already the thing by then.

          • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
            4 years ago

            At the point, you can log into MySpace using your Facebook account.

            About the closest thing I can think of to that is Sega making video games for Nintendo systems.

  • deshara218 [any]
    4 years ago

    they already are doing it to lots of modern day lenins. You just dont know they exist bc they're doing it to them so well

  • Moosegender [he/him]
    4 years ago

    His fault he only relies on Twitter. He can send a presidential alert.

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      LMAO I forgot about those. It would be fucking hilarious if he sent one out.

      (Hilarious like having your retinas scorched by nuclear hellfire)