:ak47: <<< This one simple trick effectively and permanently eradicates your eugenicist infestation!
Guess I'll put a CW for eugenics shit for my comment.
If the past few years have taught me anything, you're high-functioning until you're not. Thrust a well-adjusted aspie in one environment (school) into another more hostile one (being an adult under neoliberal capitalism) and they can become almost as helpless and dysfunctional as their "low-functioning" peers, even if they still have greater cognitive capacity and know how to suppress the most ridiculous impulses.
Imagine spending the first two to three decades of your life playing by the rules and by the end you're barely better off than someone stuck in a group home, completely convinced you have no future to look forward to other than getting shuttled into the same dehumanizing group home/nursing home system when you reach old age, as punishment for not extracting enough value from other workers during your middle years through a savings/retirement account. Assuming you don't die early from accidentally pissing off the wrong powerful person or end up getting shuttled into a fucking concentration camp.
When you're high-functioning and shit's going well for you because you've got your foot in the door for some sort of sociopathic PMC career and your attitude is "I'm not like the other aspies/autists", that's like the autistic equivalent of Uncle Tom shit. Mimicking the behavior of the NTs and punching down to satisfy the sensibilities of people in some sort of vain bid for self-preservation, people who would not think twice about shoving you into the oven.
looking forward to being sentenced to death by the Biden-created Mercy Panel for the crime of existing the wrong way
woke eugenics
also, translation:
"if you have low functioning autism you are subhuman and I want to euthanize you and everyone like you"
Only a matter of time before they start demanding programs to "put autistic people out of their misery". These people deserve to be drawn and quartered.
delenda est reddito
Does the aspie community have a term for their version of an Uncle Tom or a gusano or closet-gay homophobe or what have you, something like a term for high-functioning aspies in the "sunken place"? I guaran-fucking-tee at least some redditors who'd propose such a thing using a phrase like "put X out of their misery" are themselves both autistic and suicidal victims of Malthusian propaganda.
I've seen the terms "Uncle Tom aspies", "self-loathing" and "bootlicker" used. I also saw "Kapo" used once. Really any term used to describe a member of a marginalized group trying to convince their oppressors that they're One Of The Good Ones. I don't know of any specific term that only applies to the exact type of person you mention.
buff doge: We developed cereal varieties that saved billions from starvation, became a depraved and notorious party school, and we make our own cheese that everyone’s mom loves to buy in bulk when they visit
cheems: Really looking forward to rolling in the patent buxx on this eugenics cum test
The big one is called Cougar Gold - it's a white cheddar ... which isn't my favorite, so I don't know if it's empirically good or not. It has a kind of gouda flavor with a cheddar texture and they really want you to know it's not made with cougar milk. Also it comes in a can because the project started as a government canning research thing in the '40s, which is a neat novelty.
Cougar Gold
White Cheddar
i can't even buy it so its moot but thanks
What’s that? People are calling for eugenics in a popular post on Reddit? Well I guess it’s just a normal week.
I hope this is the smoking gun (though it probably isn’t). Everyone should get in vitro like the celebs