• a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
      4 years ago

      I love talking to Mormons. It’s the worst when they try to just stick to the script and fast track you into baptist. Ain’t gonna be that easy boys!

      I've had some sets try that actually, and they told me if I committed to a date then I'd receive a special witness and believe. I said sure, lets give it a go. Date comes up, they ask the baptismal interview questions, I vomit out a load of epistemology, and they say, "on second thought, lets keep working". We've been at it for over year now.

        • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
          4 years ago

          Sometimes they swap out, some have gone home (I always send them off with a book like The Structure of Scientific Revolutions or The Brothers Karamazov based on their personalities) and others get transferred around the region. Longest I've had a single one is about 5 months. The official transfer schedule is every 6 weeks, but some get assigned to the same region for more than 1 transfer.