Gladly helping your boss evade taxes but completely cutting off your husband because he cooked some meth? Yikes.

Edit: SPOILER: And then cheating on him with said boss and tells Walter straight up.

  • Lrak [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Could have been more subversive but then you would have a somewhat likable character. I think they were really going with assholes all around. And what pro cop shit? I am rewatching the series and remember nothing and am at season 3 episode 4. The one cop I see constantly is the fat ugly brother in law that is comically dumb and racist even to other police officers, he beats up two guys unprovoked and his cop buddies cover for him. Other than that a cop beats up Walt for speaking up at a traffic stop. If you aren't pro cop already I don't think you could call that copaganda (at least till the start of season 3)