I’m only going to tell you what’s only in the trailer:

John David Washington (BlacKkKlansman, Tenet) plays a US soldier/spy tasked with finding “Nirmata”, the Creator of the AIs who launched a nuclear bomb on Los Angeles, starting a war between the US and “New Asia” (combined territories of East, South and Southeast Asia). Apparently, the AIs have a weapon that can end humanity. But when he finds it, turns out it’s a little girl…

Based on this, I was not excited to see it. It seemed like just another AI/sci-fi US solider type movie that I was completely done with.

I went to see it because it was an original movie with a budget of $80 mil, that all the reviewers said looked drop dead gorgeous, putting $300 mil Marvel flicks to shame. And boy is that true. The movie looks amazing.

And the story, while basic, is 100% an analogy for the Vietnam war mixed with sci-fi and Avatar. The Americans are 100% the bad guys throughout.

We went on Saturday. It was evening. And despite that, the theater was half empty. It’s sad. I hope the movie at least makes its budget back. Go see it if you can. Take some friends or family. You’ll see some gorgeous visuals of SEA and sci-fi scenes and it might radicalise some folks.

Plus the acting by the kid is… by god. Little kids can make or break a movie. This girl was phenomenal. She plays a huge role and she out did the main dude.

So. Yeah.

The Creator is like Avatar by about the Vietnam War told with AI. It’s pretty good.