• GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Now THIS is how we create left-wing memes.

      No, but a good write-up, comrade.

      • CoralMarks [he/him]
        4 years ago

        This is what Rosa had to say on that way of thinking:

        "It is especially astonishing to observe how this industrious man (Kautsky), by his tireless labor of peaceful and methodical writing during the four years of the World War, has torn one hole after another in the fabric of socialism.
        It is a labor from which socialism emerges riddled like a sieve, without a whole spot left in it."
        "The party of Lenin was the only one which grasped the mandate and duty of a truly revolutionary party and which, by the slogan – “All power in the hands of the proletariat and peasantry” – insured the continued development of the revolution.
        Thereby the Bolsheviks solved the famous problem of “winning a majority of the people,” which problem has ever weighed on the German Social-Democracy like a nightmare.
        As bred-in-the-bone disciples of parliamentary cretinism, these German Social-Democrats have sought to apply to revolutions the home-made wisdom of the parliamentary nursery: in order to carry anything, you must first have a majority.
        The same, they say, applies to a revolution: first let’s become a “majority.”
        The true dialectic of revolutions, however, stands this wisdom of parliamentary moles on its head: not through a majority, but through revolutionary tactics to a majority – that’s the way the road runs."

  • phimosis__jones [he/him]
    4 years ago

    And then you only get to be in charge for 13 out of 71 years in the postwar era and consider being the junior partner in a grand coalition a victory.

  • IceWallowCum [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Did those socdems live to see WWII or the rise of nazism? What did they have to say about it?

    • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Straight from wikipedia so pinch of salt and all that.

      The Nazis overtook the SPD as the largest party in July 1932 and Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor in January 1933. Of the parties present in the Reichstag during the passage of the Enabling Act of 1933, the SPD was the only one to vote against; most of the Communist deputies had been arrested ahead of the vote. The SPD was formally banned in June. Many members were subsequently imprisoned and killed by the Nazi government while others fled the country. In exile, the party used the name Sopade.

      After the end of World War II, the re-establishment of the SPD was permitted in the Western occupation zones in 1945. In the Soviet occupation zone, the SPD was forcibly merged with the Communist Party in 1946 to form the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED)

      Some of them probably lived, no idea where to find any writings though.

      • kimilsungist [they/them]
        4 years ago

        communism became a literal threat to western powers in the early 20th century. the capitalist powers launched these wars of aggression in order to rally their masses and keep pushing further into psychotic imperialist plunder. this move towards imperialism was necessary for capitalism to survive, because - capitalism slowly but surely kills itself, but if you keep expanding and stealing and forcing captive markets, you can grow wealth at home which was needed for workers. Because at this time workers were destitute. They needed to keep them happy, or face revolution. First it was WW1, then in ww2 the goal was to bring down the soviets, and then ww3 being the global south and putting down of socialist regimes, to install puppet governments.

        this is all dialectical my friend- which while were here, when is the war with china going to start? its kind of inevitable