"This is how the MAGACOMMUNISTS work as the kayfabe opposition of the Destiny/Vaush twitch streamer psyops. They act like the characatures of "tankies" created in a Democratic Party lab would to sheepdog the compatible left back into the democrats & communists into the far right."

  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
    9 months ago

    we’re talking abt US politics. the subject of the post is maga communists and the democratic party. yeah, you can classify most US libs as fascist, but the Q anon MAGA types (and many more typical republicans) want to pivot away from Ukraine and focus on China and Mexico. i maintain critical support for Russia which means i don’t approve of their capitalist economic structure or their bigotry. patsocs uncritically support Russia, think bigotry is good, and sometimes think Russia is still socialist. yes, this is a very online discussion, but that’s because this modern patsoc movement is very online, which is why i think its an op

    • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      If it's such an online movement, how do you know you're even talking to Americans for the most part outside of obvious fed figures like Haz? Random twitter accounts or whatever are likely just anti-American people from poor nations.

      just realize a lot of the people online who are slightly conservative who go around shitting on Ukraine aren't "nazbols" or "pat socs" they are just normal people from Africa, India and the Middle East. It's the height of chauvinism to assert they're all American nazis actually when they're just normal people who have the politics you would expect based on their nation having vague anti-imperialist views. The actual American Nazis support Ukraine, as I've re-iterated multiple times. Like the hardcore neo-nazis support Ukraine, in addition to the radlibs and libs and neocons.

      I hate to break it to you, but these random anti-american chuds are more on our side than the "progressive liberals" from western nations. The primary contradiction is imperialism.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          I'm not saying patsoc online americans don't exist, I'm saying you have no way to distinguish between them and actual anti-american people from poor nations unless they self-identify (most of them don't). I also believe the "threat" of "patsocs" is much overstated and played up by the same folks who brought us fears about "bernie bros" and "tankies" and "brocialists". I just don't give a fuck about the handwringing fears that radlibs have about the latest tiny online reactionary fad of the day. Actual bonafide fascists control both major parties and the American state is a fascist war machine, I really don't give a fuck about a 0.1% of the population saying stupid anti-American things online.

            • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              Hilariously they are less chauvinistic than Berniecrats, because they consistently have the correct anti-imperialist line against America. Social-chauvinism is used to describe leftie people who are imperialist, these people are the exact opposite of that. It's the radlibs who are the chauvinists. This criticism falls so flat when the ones criticizing them are calling for more funds to Ukraine and to boost the American war machine to destroy America's enemies for cheap.

              The criticisms that work against them have to be principled Marxist analysis since that’s where they are off. Liberals and radlibs are incapable of providing this critique.

              Go on Twitter or Reddit and search “patsoc” and see who’s criticizing them. It’s not principled communists or MLs for the most part, it’s squishy Bernie leftists, Breadtubers and Ukraine flag bios who also hate tankies. I’m not going to align with them and join in their narrative against what I think is making a mountain out of a molehill at best, and chauvinism against the poor nations of the world at worst. If the American Patsocs are feds made to distract and divide us, the best strategy isn’t to attack them alongside the berniecrats but to simply ignore them.

              • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                9 months ago

                They are not. Berniecrats are better than this filth. If you are actively racist or transphobic, especially against Indigenous people, and have that racism based specifically on Americanism, then that is pretty chauvinistic to me.

                • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
                  9 months ago

                  Berniecrats support world war against Russia and are imperialists who support the fourth Reich. No they are not better unless you are a social imperialist

                  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                    9 months ago

                    You're conflating.

                    Berniecrats do not support the mass extermination of trans and neurodivergent people. They do not support genocidal policies against Indigenous peoples.

                    • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
                      9 months ago

                      Berniecrats support the murder of tens of millions of people throughout the world because they support NATO. They support the murder of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian conscripts and want more to be pushed into the grinder. They support the genocide of Palestinians because they support NATO. They support the destruction of Syria, Libya and Honduras because they support NATO.

                      You just don’t care about people dying to empire

      • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        It is not just an "online movement."

        They've taken over real organizations. And in just a matter of a few years since their debut.

        Do not underestimate them.

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          Taking over what organizations from who? I’ve seen someone say the CPUSA, but wasn’t the accepted knowledge of this org that it was filled with socially reactionary boomers and feds anyway? So more of the same then and not really a “take over”

          • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
            9 months ago

            These are the same talking points that PatSocs use to infiltrate an org, such as the CPUSA, and take it over. They've gone into the org to harass Indigenous members and trans members multiple times.

            • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              Did you read what I said? CPUSA was a defunct shell of a party filled only with reactionary boomers and feds. So how does this “takeover” change anything? Goes from social reactionary to social reactionary? Fed to fed?

              I don’t know of these examples you are saying of harassing, that’s obviously terrible and to be condemned to the extent it is occurring if it’s actual harassment over these traits. Do you have examples of this? Just sounds like CPUSA isn’t a good party but idk I’m not involved in it.