I have no doubt that any MLs here are pretty based, I don’t think anyone needs to prove anything to me, but I’m curious as to why you think Marxist-Leninism is the best way forward towards liberating the working class. Personally, I lean more towards authoritorian tendencies I just don’t think anything other than anarchism is a viable path forward and I think all the theory and history I’ve read tracks with that.analysis. I suppose you could call me socially ML but fiscally anarchist, lol.

  • makotech222 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I mean, good luck to any anarchist tryingtto form a community with people that believe that fast food workers should be paid below living wage, let alone that shit like Tom hanks was replaced by a body double or whatever q shit.

    We in America definitely need a vanguard party and a huge re-education effort on like 80 percent of the population.

    Luckily if America ends,you probably don't need to much of a military to defend against external threats,tthough.