"How uncouth!" quoth the Democrats, after unilaterally doubling the defense budget, propping up Israel's military, and pushing for a new Cold War with China.
"How uncouth!" quoth the Democrats, after unilaterally doubling the defense budget, propping up Israel's military, and pushing for a new Cold War with China.
I've explained upthread, the escalation is bilateral. I'll take my licks though, my bit was pretty reactionary.
You're right that both parties are imperialist parties, but they pursue imperialism in different ways.
Libs want to do imperialism with sanctions, IMF loans, air strikes, and at most a small number of special forces guys on the ground. They do not want to do the Big War – an invasion with 10,000+ troops and possibly a subsequent occupation – and they haven’t done that since LBJ escalated Vietnam. Conservatives are happy to do the Big War. Since Vietnam they’ve invaded Grenada, Panama, Iraq (twice), and Afghanistan. The GOP is filled to the brim with evangelicals who want to wage holy war on Islam and communism, and that turns into stuff like “we’ll find out if sand can glow” (Ted Cruz) and “100 years in Iraq” (John McCain) at highest levels of the party.
Although both approaches are bad, the distinction matters because the Big War kills far more people, does more damage to the victim country, and is a lot harder to rebound from.