The absolute mud brained dumbass couldn't wait until after the bulletproof Senate trial to announce his third party. If they don't block him from running in 2024 they automatically lose lol
Biden will have him charged with crimes against civility, the highest offence of the new lib courts.
cant wait for donnyboi to sabotage every single republican candidate from here on out by splitting the vote with his meme party
should go in !, but yeah. i think it's also top republicans' easiest ticket to washing their hands of him.
the rule holds for other communities like the dunk tank so i'm not completely far off
Election is over, I think they just wanted less electionposting when it was going in since there was so much of it
if they don't want him to run, they can throw him in jail or something. it shouldn't be that hard. fuck, heart attack gun the man. nobody would think twice about it
They’re going to push a month long trial where nothing else gets done and then only 58 senators go for it. Completely detailing any semblance of action by Biden.
in the USA you start with 3 Right wing Parties , so whats to lose...
Fuck it, let's see how right they go. Right off a cliff. This take is very probably ill-conceived, but I still feel it.
wow so surprised that the user shitting on BDS is also an unironic Trump supporter and advocate. nazis fuck off
He either thinks that by flexing and floating the idea of a third party, he can pressure the GOP senators into not convicting him (though the prospect of splintering the party is at best unclear if he's just a figurehead/powerbroker who can't hold office); or he's lowkey comfortable being convicted, because then he get's to whine and rant without having to actually run and risk losing again.
The only bipartisanship on display is the idea there might be a slightly popular third party (and hopefully 4th- fingers crossed) so they'll definitely convict him to prevent him from legitimising a third party.