But it’s still fucking amazing and jokerfying that biden is the fucking guy this decaying empire coughed up during its death rattle to oversee the continuing and accelerating decline.

Real last days of rome shit. Actually, it’s too much even for that. If someone was making a movie about the fall of rome and the emperor was portrayed as a doddering old decrepit fuck like Biden people would say it was a little much.

It’s still astounding that they couldn’t find another smooth talking neoliberal ghoul ANYWHERE. Couple that with Pelosi’s fucking “good morning, Sunday morning” gaffe, the fact that Feinstein apparently doesn’t know what planet she’s on, and then multiple senators and congresspeople are apparently on Alzheimer’s medication. The absolute state of bourgeois democracy. incredible.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    Real last days of rome shit.

    Rome's Kingdom Era lasted 200-300 years. It's Republican Era lasted around 550 years. It's Imperial Era lasted another 400 years. Then its Byzantine Eastern Empire lasted another 1000 years after that. Along the way, the country endured multiple foreign invasions, slave revolts, civil wars, plagues, assassinations, coups, economic collapses, and natural disasters at least as sever as the low-points of US history. They literally transitioned the European continent from Paganism to Monotheism and established the seeds for several subsequent empires as a consequence.

    We ain't Rome. We are not in the "Last Days of Rome". We're - at best - in the Early Days of Rome. Rome sucked. It was a horrible place full of horrible people that endured for centuries under the inertia of its horribleness. This is Real Normal Roman Hours, and Biden is a Real Normal Roman Consul, the vast majority of whom sucked ass.

    • glimmer_twin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Empire have also risen and fallen faster with each cycle as history has progressed in a pretty consistent pattern

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Ancient Empires may appear, in hindsight, to be contiguous when in the moment they seem fractured and independent.

        When the book is written on the Colonial Era, we may recognize "The Empire of Europe" as a singular event spanning centuries rather than a number of disjointed states with Golden Eras lasting decades. Certainly, there is enough modern-day overlap through NATO and the EU to define North America, Western Europe, and the occupied Pacific states as more than their parts.