first off, i nominate this for the greatest image of 2021:

TLDR: Warren-voting blue checkmark accounts are mad about people doing Marxist science and not simply saying “qanon are evil because of their essential nature”. These smarmy anti-dirtbags did cultural appropriation of comrade dril’s tweets to mock the idea of looking at how our environment shapes our ideology and worldviews. Libs who think covid denial is evil are doing capitalist denial by obscuring the material base of alienation which generated the mental superstructure which qanon parrots.

This guy from Dissent ("if I was your editor" if I was your Red Guard, your cringe ass nerd account would be deleted) agrees with the Warren libs that historical materialism is not worth talking about. Very weird to see someone reduce their cognitive dissonance by getting aggro and shrieking that something "doesn't matter!!!" and "isn't important!!!".

Perhaps these 2 Woke 2 Empathy radlibs want to obscure the material effects of capitalism because they are privileged PMC class traitors? In any case, they're actually in the same category as Qanon: they lack a scientific explanation of political economic history. Which is why they desperately need to reaffirm their idealistic worldview by demanding certain groups of others to suffer because they’re "bad people" (racists, conspiracy theorists, Amber):

Idealists believe cultural issues matter more than our material struggle to survive under late capitalism. Marxism is a “bad analysis” because it doesn’t simply categorize people with childish superhero movie labels.

These progressive Warren voters need to differentiate themselves from "evil unscientific fascists" because they believe themselves to be good people (their Reaganite politics are, like qanon, claiming to be "saving the children" despite destroying the American family unit for profit). Apparently you’re antifa if you never say such "embarrassing" things like talking about Jeffrey Epstein's friends and bourgeois business partners. Talking about the endemic sexual abuse in the ruling class is apparently a tenet of fascism to these anti-dirtbags. That's why Obama let his daughter intern with that Hollywood rapist, it would be impolite and rude not too!

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Yes, I was seeing this exact sort of sentiment from libs talking about Q/Trump people. Some people are just innately evil and thus drawn to Q/Trump/being a racist I guess

    The libs' plan to deal with that part of the populace is presumably just hoping their collective disdain will cause them to turn to dust like in the Adventures

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      "Some people are just innately evil" is an overgeneralization, but it does seem like a lot of conservative thinking stems from not caring about others. This is where "fuck you, I got mine" comes from, this is where "there must be groups the law protects but does not bind, and groups the law binds but does not protect" comes from. You see this type of intense selfishness in people from all walks of life, too, so some element of it is independent of one's material conditions.

      • hauntingspectre [he/him]
        3 years ago

        "I can't teach you how to care about other people", essentially. The defining trait I find is empathy, and a lack thereof. Aka the "now that it has happened to me or someone close to me, I understand why lack of healthcare/parental leave/handicap access is bad".

        What's interesting is Qanon takes the look of empathy, "think of the children", and transfers it into the fictional realm. It's virtue signaling of the rankest kind. But, that look of empathy is what draws in the crystal & yoga people.

      • Sunn_Owns [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        You see this type of intense selfishness in people from all walks of life, too, so some element of it is independent of one’s material conditions.

        Agre with first part, disagre with the italics. A lot of the PMC resistance to Sanders or any kind of re-distributive policy comes from an animal instinct to protect one's position in the hierarchy. A family friend is a successful attorney, has horses, owns a few properties, but was so turned off by the idea of a tax increase potentially threatening a lifestyle change that they outright refused to even entertain the idea of voting for Sanders.

        The idea of financial precarity and backsliding financially is a huge barrier to even SocDem type policies, let alone a complete overthrow of capitalism. I don't think you can ever remove material conditions from analysis of Q/PMCs/racists. There is a slice of population that is irredeemably reactionary, but there's no doubt that a chunk of Q are just like my wealthy family friend and motivated almost entirely by the concept of a loss of financial security.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          It’s because if the phrase “You can’t rely on anybody but yourself” is a materially true statement in the context of your own life, then in what way does any kind of call to solidarity even make conceptual sense, let alone look like something that’s practicable?

          Good point. I think this is a partial explanation, though, not a complete one.

          For instance, there's no shortage of conservative failsons who owe much of what they have to their family. Materially, "you can't rely on anybody but yourself" couldn't be farther from the truth in the context of their own lives. So why are they so intensely selfish? I don't think it's solely attributable to what their parents taught them, because you also have woke lib failsons who superficially recognize their own privilege (i.e., the extent to which they rely on benefits they didn't earn) but don't connect that to stuff like "everyone should have a roof over their heads, whatever the cost." There's still that enormous apathy towards vast swaths of the population.

      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Not gonna lie, I think even in a perfect communist utopia, while people would be generally less aggressively shit to each other cuz they’d have little material incentive to, you’d probably still have plenty of petty, nasty, dumb and insensitive people. I don’t think it’s genetic I think it’s more that some people are just lazy and being an empathetic human takes work.

        Nice thing about FALGSC is you could give all these asshats and apartment with a food replicator and a holodeck and they can fuck off while the rest of just go join StarFleet or something.

        • CatherineTheSoSo [any]
          3 years ago

          they can fuck off

          Or just be disproportionately represented in the positions of power, as it usually happens.