Ive been put in charge of Black History Month events at a public school. On of the things we are doing is a person+ quote announced in the mornings about historic Black people.

I want to create a list entirely of influential Black leftists and some quotes.

It still needs to be approved by the "moderate" priciple, so try and keep the people and quotes subtle enough that they can be mentioned in a school (yeah Ik, Im still gonna try and get Malcolm X in but i think that might get removed. )

Comrades! please list your favorite badass Black leftists and cool quotes by them , would actually help me get some leftist stuff (even just a tiny bit) into this school.

  • Tormato [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I know it might seem cliche but there’s a treasure at the Radical MLK.

    His statement in the Letter from Birmingham Jail about the white moderate being the movement’s biggest obstacle is sooooo apropos for today.

    Was reading his The Strength to Love the other day. Lots of beautiful stuff about overcoming fear, which is the basis of so much of the status quo.

    Will have to look when I get a minute away from the kids.

    • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      cliché or not, MLKJ is perfect because libs are obsessed with him as a concept, but could use some actual education about what he did/thought.

      he had direct quotes critiquing capitalism.

      • Tormato [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Tons of critique of capitalism.

        Was just reading Cornel West’s book in which he recounts speaking with Coretta, who recalled for him her amazement that when they were first introduced he claimed himself to be a socialist. This is in the 1940’s/early 50’s.

        His essay on Norman Thomas is very moving. Thought that he instead should have been given the Nobel prize for his humanitarian work as the country’s foremost socialist. Called him the “bravest person he’d ever known.”