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  • This [it/its]
    3 years ago

    There's like a whirlwind of difference in how the administrations are handling the pandemic, though. This post just kind of feels like Trump apologia.

      • This [it/its]
        3 years ago

        It just feels like you're projecting. "Trump threatened to break up Google so they 4D chess skewed Covid stats against him and now are now trying to make Biden look like a champion!" Occam's Razor would suggest new admin, new guidelines (and also the administration actually giving a fuck). But even then, I would maybe give this theory more weight if these graphical changes took place across ALL platforms.

          • This [it/its]
            3 years ago

            I don't know what to tell you, I think you're just reading too deep into this.

              • This [it/its]
                3 years ago

                Push the graph that looks bad to pressure Trump, who threatened them pretty regularly with breaking up

                Your words.

                Because it's Google that made Trump's handling of the pandemic look bad and not, like, Trump and the GOP pushing covid, mask, and vaccine skepticism.