The Desolution of Yugoslavia

"socialism is when IMF loan"

The history of Yugoslavia since 1945 embraces a period of rapid economic, political, and social modernization reflected in urban and industrial growth, improvements in literacy and economic well-being, changes in the traditional patriarchal family structure, moderation of ethnic hostilities, and integration into the international economy.

However, in dialectical fashion, it also embraces a period of economic decline and intense ethnic reaction. In a very real sense, the route to the collapse of the Yugoslav federation, like the collapse of the Soviet federation, was paved by the policy toward nationalities that each had pursued, but it was precipitated by involvement in the global economy.

Please Read Kristina's Post, Thank you :heart-sickle:

The State and Revolution

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The Conquest of Bread

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  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago


    Every time someone is like, "well, I'll just move north/live in the north and take advantage of a changing climate." I want to drill this kind of shit into their head. Even if you wrote off having to deal with the strain and collapse of national institutions and massive migration and all that, it getting rapidly warmer in general does not make the fucking taiga into a bourgeoning garden of calories.