so ive been raped twice before, it sucked. i hate seeing rape posts casually on my feed. its very distressing. so seeing a meme, even with a CW, can stress me out. specifically, i'm referring to the 'its day x and joe biden is still a rapist' meme. this meme sucks because it shows up in the feed and since most rape posts are comments embedded elsewhere, that means i can just avoid the comment sections of this site. however, this meme gets posted nearly every day and its just pure shock jock shit.

ive already considered leaving the site for this reason and i feel like it might be a real bar of entry for anyone that is a sexual violence victim here. im in a support group for SV and i remember when the kavanaugh hearings were all on TV, everyone was talking about how they had to keep TV's off and stick to the internet for entertainment, with heavy filters, and avoid politics altogether. so this isnt just me.

id like to ask the mods for help on this, please remove these sorts of posts featuring rape until we have a keyword filter. rape gets mentioned every couple of hours on this site and it feels like im going through a minefield. @TransComrade69 @Beatnik

also for the people posting the memes: this isnt really a diss on you, probably dont share memes like that though

and yeah, content warnings are awful, theyre either too vague or too specific and are useless for victims. ideally, sites should have keyword filters to hide content that mentions certain words.

  • wombat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I am in full support of a filtering system so that comrades do not have to see upsetting content if they do not want to.

    I am opposed in the strongest terms to instituting a ban on posts reminding people what Biden did to Tara Reade. She has been silenced, smeared, shamed, and shoved under the rug by every liberal dipshit in the West already, and to ignore her plea here too would be just one more act of erasure, one more muzzling of a victim. It is our duty as comrades to ALWAYS bring up the crimes of the ruling classes, and that includes sexual crimes. I have never joked or memed about Biden being a rapist; my posts are entirely sincere in their purpose of ensuring leftists do not forget, negate, ignore, or downplay his rape. Rapists, especially powerful rapists, must be named and shamed, always. Given that Biden is now the most powerful person in the world, the importance of reminding people of his sexual crimes is at an all-time high. Tara Reade wants her message out there (as do the other women who have accused Biden of misconduct), and so should we.

    This, of course, does not apply to the individual wishes of comrades who want to omit particular content from their feeds, which I believe the site should allow.

    • kronkfresh [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I agree with you 1000% but if we're at a crossroads where its bothering people on this site its not worth. Like, its an obscure website about communist parrots. We're not going to bring her justice, we're not changing the world (as a website I mean), we all know Biden is a rotten piece of shit. Please just lay off this one thing, for the sake of other victims who may not have gotten justice either.

      I like your posts comrade please don't die on this hill. :negative:

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      i agree with not deleting all tara reade posts as a permanent solution, but maybe, since youre a strong proponent of posting this sort of thing, you'd moderate a subcom or something for exposing politicians and their misconduct? then we could put it all in there for the time being

  • goldsound [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I used to joke about triggering and say that r*** jokes were okay. Then I met my partner and nothing changes your tune quicker than watching someone you love collapse into a PTSD attack from seeing some passing mention of the word or act on her FB feed.

    I'm truly sorry that you have to deal with this, comrade. I've tried to suggest CW and wording adjustments when I see an opportunity. I know we all want to point out the monstrous nature of the ruling class, but we need to consider how we do it to avoid causing pain.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      i used to not get the whole being triggered thing till really bad shit happened to me. so yeah a lot of it is a disconnect and reactionary memes making light of a serious issue. an issue that could very easily happen to those same people who dont get it and just think its being overly sensitive.

      yeah some wording adjustments do help but yeah it still makes me not feel right in a lot of cases.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 years ago

    I agree. I have friends who have been raped. Someone also attempted to rape me and I was lucky enough to have friends around to save me. So rape being thrown around as a jokey meme can feel a bit gross at times.

  • swishypantss [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Thank you for speaking up about this. I honestly don't use this site as much as the old sub because seeing this kinda stuff over and over has been pretty bad for my mental health. It's tough because some people like to vent about it using humor and of course I know that it's important for powerful people to be exposed as complete monsters, but I don't know I guess even when the memes are done with the best of intentions it comes off as kinda tasteless to me. I'll also add on that I think a lot of Epstein posts tend to fall in the same category as the Biden ones

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      honestly stop bringing it up would be the ideal until we get a filter in or a system in place to deal with it. and yeah it sucks that its that way, technically even this post that i made on this issue would be disqualified because frankly there's just no good way to approach it other than wholesale deletions, unless someone can come up with another solution.

      its mostly just certain words have a huge negative connotation that get me thinking about being raped, the word rape being one of them. sexual violence or sexual assault still suck too.

      though weirdly enough when chuds spam me it doesnt work so thats kinda neat. i guess because i see it as pathetic and not just a constant barrage of things?

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      yeah i didnt mean to say it as a whole, as in all people with ptsd, just me and others like me. and yeah if we get filters working CWs would be handy tags to filter things out

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I second this wholeheartedly. Nobody should feel unwelcome here (except fascists, chuds, racists, you know, all the usual riff-raff)

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      i mean yeah i agree with that, if its someone talking about their own experience, dont remove it, maybe keep it to certain subcoms that i can just not be subscribed to until keyword post censors are set up?

      tbh in general would like this for most of the struggle session stuff in relation to sexual issues.

  • garbology [he/him]
    4 years ago

    We need content warnings built into the system. Typing out CW: /text here/ isn't enough, we need some kind of dropdown with common CWs like death, gore, SV, and give users visible filters to hide that stuff pre-emptively so it never even appears in their feeds. The culture of the community is guided by the tools it is given.

    No CW tools? Then we get the current state of affairs, where users are hostile to even descriptive CWs that "ruin the bit" and don't care about posting corpses or SV content and won't CW it.

    Please, admins, prioritize this.

    • needles [they/them,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      yes strong agree, and/or also a way to show warnings text to a post title without hiding the post completely. (This would ideally be chosen by the individual in their settings)..

  • Druckknoedel [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I've also been raped twice, and honestly it triggers me to not have it posted that Joe Biden is a rapist. I would be upset if people were just bringing it up constantly/casually/willy nilly, but we cannot keep allowing victims to be silenced. If there's a way to filter for users that'd be cool, I don't want people to feel triggered and unsafe. But this feels too much like silencing/censorship for me to be comfortable with it.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      they do this shit all the time for memes here. serious discussions are warranted on the subject and are important but i dont want to see them and a filter is incredibly important.

      rape is a meme here at all times. all discussions started on it are usually started in a joking way. its disgusting. here's the most recent example:

        • kristina [she/her]
          4 years ago

          the filter is currently in the works im just asking people to not post things so i can actually use this site

  • lizbo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I have been a victim to SV in the past and, while I have very much healed from it and generally do not deal with PTSD, I still find the mention of the topic or pics of Joe biden being creepy to be very uncomfortable at times. I absolutely think that avoiding the topic until filters can be put into place would be the optimal solution. I also would really like to see the development of this feature be made a priority over other features. Hats off to you for having the courage to start this discussion.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      yeah i had SV stuff when i was a kid and healed from it over the course of a decade and then it happened again unfortunately and it brought back a ton of bad stuff in my head. hopefully the recovery time will be shorter this go around.

      • lizbo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        While the pain and suffering were almost unlivable at times, going thru it has shown me that humans have a truly amazing ability to heal from trauma when provided safe surroundings and supporting loved ones. I hope your healing and journey to wellbeing is swift comrade. :heart-sickle: