The Desolution of Yugoslavia

"socialism is when IMF loan"

The history of Yugoslavia since 1945 embraces a period of rapid economic, political, and social modernization reflected in urban and industrial growth, improvements in literacy and economic well-being, changes in the traditional patriarchal family structure, moderation of ethnic hostilities, and integration into the international economy.

However, in dialectical fashion, it also embraces a period of economic decline and intense ethnic reaction. In a very real sense, the route to the collapse of the Yugoslav federation, like the collapse of the Soviet federation, was paved by the policy toward nationalities that each had pursued, but it was precipitated by involvement in the global economy.

Please Read Kristina's Post, Thank you :heart-sickle:

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    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's basically the same thing that happened months(? jfc) ago in Belarus. The "democratic opposition" lost (or boycott) elections (which I'm not claiming were entirely on the up-and-up, they almost certainly weren't) and are trying to incite their oh-so-numerous supporters into the streets. With the support of incessant coverage by Western media and concern trolling from Western governments and "human rights" NGOs, they hope to incite some kind of small-scale popular uprising that manages to topple the government (as has happened in Ukraine twice, Georgia, Serbia, Bolivia, etc)

      The gist is that "democrats" who fawn over the West and are basically just neoliberals and wannabe successors of Yeltsin as American colonial administrators have absolutely no real mass support in Russia and haven't since the 1990s. Navalny is just yet another stooge who gets incessant media coverage of his "anti-corruption crusade" in the West that vastly exaggerates his actual base of support (contrast this with how the Western media covers "anti-corruption" crusades in, say Xi Jinping's China). They sincerely believe that posting some documentary showcasing how rich leaders like Putin or Lukaschenko have gotten off the death of the USSR (youdontsay.jpg) will suddenly trigger a mass popular uprising against these "tyrants", ignoring the fact that these states have been ruthlessly exploited, mistreated, and ignored by the United States for decades. It's all part of the continuously-escalated American imperial campaign to destroy all defiance to declining American hegemony. Say what you will about people like Putin or Lukaschenko but their real crime is to have the audacity to expect to be treated as equals by the American empire when it comes to diplomacy rather than colonial subjects to be exploited. The bipartisan consensus within the empire is that it is the manifest destiny of America to exploit every centimeter of Earth for the empire's continued enrichment and ultimately the suicide of the species. So anyone who says "uh no you can't beat our face in with your boot as you please" has to go. Hence the fixation with ridiculous figures like Navalny. Hence the endless wars in places like Ukraine and Syria.

      The long and short is that it's not going to happen. Putin and his allies aren't stupid or weak, despite what the American media would have people believe.