• RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      impossible to please

      Just, you know, stop bombing brown children, that would be like a lot for a start

      • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        stop murdering brown children


        thats just completely unreasonable, obviously you dont have any experience with the delicate nature of diplomacy, as such idealistic nonsense is completely unfeasible as u.s foreign policy

        meanwhile, u.s foreign policy:


        uhhh, let me bomb here

        • RNAi [he/him]
          4 years ago


        • 4_AOC_DMT [any]
          4 years ago

          obviously you dont have any experience with the delicate nature of diplomacy, as such idealistic nonsense is completely unfeasible as u.s foreign policy

          I am so fucking tired of liberals not knowing the meaning of words (even worse when you ask them what a word means and they can't tell you, but when you read them the definition, they tell you you're wrong - and yes, I am still salty about a conversation I had with my brother a few days ago).

          I have encountered both of the following takes from multiple libs in my family.

          "Oh, you have principles and want to act in a way that brings about material changes aligned with those principles? You're such an idealist. "


          "We don't need wealth redistribution for the most vulnerable people to be able to get the bare essentials. We can just make sure we teach the next generation the right morals and society will conform to them! No, I'm not an idealist!"

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hey I relate a lot to this but you know what? Overtime (talking at least 3-4 years) I've made light jokes about anti-imperialism to friends and a few family. nothing super serious but just quick quips, and over time they've become more receptive to them and even expecting them and doing their own. Just getting them to acknowledge stuff like the literal hundreds of times the US has overthrown legitimate governments or influenced them is good. Like we don't have to have deep and long convos about it (unless they want to) it's still a start in getting people to really come to terms with who the US really is and what they stand for.

    Idk I think it's a good way to influence certain people who otherwise don't care when everyone should. We don't teach this stuff in schools and a lot of people go their whole life without ever coming to terms with it or just simply recognizing the horrors america has done.

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        of course. chapo has a had light struggle sessions about this topic before, but to me, it always just comes down to finding any and all ways to help influence people to think more critically about things who otherwise don't. Memes are more important than I'll ever truly admit, and they have massive drawbacks and are certainly not more important than actually reading and understanding the topic, but they are easily digested by people. Sometimes just planting a small (funny) seed can blossom into something more, most of the time not, but everyone is different in the end.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    and your relatives are parroting the TV talking heads who are approvingly shouting about Uncle Larry's pending adoption of two seven-year-olds