So I'm not sure if there's actually enough engagement for this, but I figured I'd try. I want to host a D&D game via discord / Roll20. It would be just a few sessions*, probably running the first stage of Lost Mines of Phandelver, a sort of intro to D&D pre-made adventure.
Like I said, new players that are interested but don't know how to play are more than welcome. If there's enough people interested, we'll work out the details and start getting things set up. Only requirements would be being comfortable using a mic with strangers, and not being a shithead I guess.
*If it goes well and everyone is down for it, might continue to do the whole thing, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
Edit: East coast US, schedule is moderately flexible, but I do work weekdays.
Cool! We have two interested players, I think three would be my minimum. I'll figure things out and start DMing (heh) people if we can get this off the ground.
Sweet. I'll be ready all week just need to a day in advance to clear things up when playing.
For sure, will let everyone know well in advance.