The whole building's water was continually pooling in my bathroom. Landlord's response was "Its fine. If you want to move into a more expensive apartment we'll wave the imaginary $500 paperwork fee. Your monthly rent will go up $200 tho."

After a week of aggressive bullying I am now in a much larger apartment for the same rent, they ate all the costs.

It helps to remember that landlords are parasitic slugs that deserve the worse contempt your brain can produce. Do not give them a grain of respect. :mao-shining:

  • Dyno [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I live on an isolated row of about 100 people with only one road connecting it to the main road, and it flooded last week up to about waistdeep.
    Turns out there's a second road we could use, only it's privately owned by the same letting agency that owns our row of houses.
    In typical landlord fashion, they informed us that it wasn't their responsibility to unlock the gate and allow us to temporarily use the road so that, yknow, people can work in order to pay rent.

    For the next time the road floods, I bought a pair of wellies and boltcutters.

    This is also the letting agency that didn't fix our broken toilet for 7 months. I just bought a new oven and hob myself 'cause I kind of need to eat, and fuck waiting 6 months to a year for them to replace it. If they don't reimburse me, then it's my oven and I'm taking it with me when I leave.

    • anarchocomraid [he/him]
      4 years ago

      fuck landlords jfc. in my city (austin TX) there's a lot of landlords from California that buy property here because the housing markets super profitable, but still live in California, so a lot of them are almost completely unreachable. just moved out of an apartment like that about a year ago and it was a pain in the ass.

    • IdiotDoomPoster [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I wonder what their homes look like and where they live...

      Good work on the bolt cutters, don't back down.

    • IdiotDoomPoster [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Owning something is not a job. The ones who work hard are the maintenance crews. There's no reason we shouldn't pay them directly.