• KantNeverCould [any]
    3 years ago

    You're have a far, far, far too pessimistic view of society that completely fucks up your perception of reality. The Left in general has this as a persistent problem....... We're always the first to freak out over shit, the last to get out heads out of our asses, and persistently falling behind the eight ball. It's completely against the idea of "dialectical thinking" to always be repeating whatever bullshit nonsense the Democrats said in the past and try to hold them to account, but we keep doing it anyway.

    Most Americans do not rent. If your thinking in terms of "making rent", you've already lost. Most Americans did not lose their job under Covid, and those that did got a $600 check every week for 26 weeks on top of unemployment.

    The real issues facing people are the same as they were pre-Covid: Skyrocketing housing costs with absolutely nothing affordable being built to alleviate the issue. Unaffordable healthcare. Unaffordable childcare. Most people have a job, and face those issues. Losing a $12/hr service job is a drop in the bucket, and focusing relief on the small minority still out of work is such a God damn waste that makes us look terrible.

    • Infamousblt [any]
      3 years ago

      This might be the most :LIB: take I have ever seen on this site. Congrats!

      • KantNeverCould [any]
        3 years ago

        Ignoring reality and never changing your analysis as conditions unfold is the essence of dialectical materialism :)

        • Infamousblt [any]
          3 years ago

          The reality is I have homeless friends with master's degrees made homeless by COVID. Their material conditions do not matter any less than anyone elses and saying we should ignore them for the greater good is exactly what a lib would say.

    • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The real issues facing people are the same as they were pre-Covid: Skyrocketing housing costs with absolutely nothing affordable being built to alleviate the issue.

      Lmao what is this lib take on chapo dot chat? You're not going to solve the housing crisis by building more homes (no matter how "affordable" lmao). There's already a surplus of housing, the issue is that it's being hoarded by a group of capitalists to create false scarcity. The housing crisis won't be solved until there's no longer a housing market - until then, capitalists will leverage housing to make a profit like any other commodity.

      Unaffordable healthcare

      I agree it's a problem that healthcare is unaffordable, but why do I suspect you hope it becomes "more afforable" and not "free"?

      Unaffordable childcare

      "We just need to build more affordable childcare!"

      This is all extra funny since you start your take complaining about how the left is always "repeating whatever bullshit nonsense the Democrats said in the past": When's the last time you've heard anyone outside of the Democratic party champion "more affordable housing" lol?